
Sorry I have not been updating for long. I have been on hiatus, but I can assure you that once the school year wraps up, I will be much more active. On the bright side, however, I have released a new poem today in the Poetry Collection called Earth's Lullaby, so be sure to check it out!
          	Thank you for understanding that I have had a lot of things to do lately, I appreciate it extremely!


Sorry I have not been updating for long. I have been on hiatus, but I can assure you that once the school year wraps up, I will be much more active. On the bright side, however, I have released a new poem today in the Poetry Collection called Earth's Lullaby, so be sure to check it out!
          Thank you for understanding that I have had a lot of things to do lately, I appreciate it extremely!


Heya, I'm here to give you guys some good news and some bad news, so let's start with the bad news. So the bad news is that I still have been really busy with exams coming up and so much homework, so I have, unfortunately, been procrastinating on So This Is Love. At first, it was scheduled to be published near the end of March but as I couldn't get it out by then, I decided it would be published by the end of spring break (which, for me, ends on the 9th). But I still wouldn't be able to get it out by then because I have a book report to work on and exams to practice for and on top of that, I only have 5 chapters done. But on the bright side, the good news is that as I don't want to further disappoint you, I have published the first three chapters (in addition to the Thank You page, the Plot, and the Trailer) and I will make it one of my priorities to keep writing! I kept chapters 4 and 5 unpublished so that if I ever have a long break from publishing, I can still publish a chapter immediately to avoid further prolonged wait without having the chapter lack quality due to me rushing on it. I once again apologize for all the delay and I hope you all understand.


Hey, everyone! So, I changed the "Message to the World" 'story' into a short stories collection because
          1) It wasn't really a story and was too short to deserve an entire book
          2) I have a lot of miscellaneous pieces whom I can't give a whole book to, so I needed a place where I can post those
          and lastly, 3) Sometimes I can't elaborate a story enough for it to be a book or even a novella and a lot of times I get stuck in the middle, not knowing what to write, so that's why I like writing short stories
          Expect the next "short story" to come out by Sunday!
          Hint: It's a eulogy to a great man who recently passed away


Also, sorry I haven't been posting that often lately! I'm working on a big project that I hope you all will love!
            It's a one-time release book, meaning I am writing it all and the entire book will be released at once.
            This is a huge project and I'm putting a lot of time and effort into it for you guys, so I hope you enjoy it!
            Thank you all for your support! <3


Will u plz check out my fanfic too?


@taehyunghey Okay! I'll be sure to read it.


But it's like a spy story


Hey! I really like ur writing 


@taehyunghey I hope u post more stories soon


@taehyunghey Thank you so much! You just made my day :)


          I HAVE NEWS FOR YOU!
          I just published my website! You can find the link under the bio on the left side of the page on the About tab, or you can just go here: https://dvgseventeen.wixsite.com/wattpad
          I worked really hard on this website and putting it together, and I started an email subscription that will give you notifications when, say, I publish a brand new book, or something else big.
          Anyways, that's all I wanted to say...
          Love ya'll <3


Hey, everyone! I have some good news!
          I am now working on the first story in my Reverse Tale series, and it's a reverse on Cinderella, called So This Is Love
          I just finished making the trailer, and I thought you guys might want to see it! If you are excited to read this story once it comes out, keep your eyes peeled because it'll probably come out near the end of March!
          Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qp_a0q0zGj4&feature=youtu.be
          Note: I do not own the clips I used to make the trailer. They are all copyright of Disney's Cinderella, made in 1950. I simply compiled them together, edited them, added music, and added text.


Sorry, guys, but I'm deleting May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favor and Locket because I just have too many stories and it's hard to cope with when you have so much on your plate. Locket is still going to be on Amino, but it's supposed to be a story that lets readers pick, and on Wattpad it just doesn't work. Also, basically everyone who read the Hunger Games series already knows the story of Annie Cresta, and, once again, it's hard to cope with so many stories. Also, I'm not really into it that much. The Hollow I just love writing. Why else would I publish 2-5 parts a day? But I'm taking a break from everything else and I'll only write 1 (or MAYBE two) stories at once, in addition to my Poetry Collection. Sorry if you liked reading Locket and/or May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favor! But this will allow me to stay more organized and probably upload and update more often.


Okay, so there is this series by Liz Braswell that I really love and it's called the Twisted Tale series. Basically, she takes a classic Disney Princess story and puts a twist on it. For example, in As Old As Time, she changed the plot of Beauty and the Beast so Belle's mother, an enchantress, was the one who cursed the Beast.
          So this gave me the inspiration to start this series called Reverse Tales. So basically, I will reverse the story so the roles are switched around. For example, if I reversed Cinderella, then Cinderella would be a princess who stumbles upon a young boy living with his abusive stepfather and two stepbrothers.
          Tell me what you guys think about this idea and whether I should start this series or not!


I'm already partially done with the first book in the series (trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qp_a0q0zGj4&feature=youtu.be) and I already have an idea for the second! (and I wrote 2 chapters already)