
Hey every one sorry it's taking so long to update the story life has been well life but never fear will be updating soon as well as editing and duh duh duhhhhhh I'm going to be putting out a new book that will start once I get it set in stone and before you ask it will be a BW/WM fantasy story werewolf fall for lone rancher be ready its gonna be good


Hey every one sorry it's taking so long to update the story life has been well life but never fear will be updating soon as well as editing and duh duh duhhhhhh I'm going to be putting out a new book that will start once I get it set in stone and before you ask it will be a BW/WM fantasy story werewolf fall for lone rancher be ready its gonna be good


Hi DwightCarlin, thank you for checking out Candy Coated Promises, I hope you enjoy the story 


@An0nym0uslyWritten its been good read thanks for writing it


Can some one help me out i am wanting to do a few books that i was thanking about for some time now just not sure how to get them out or on here if any of you writers can help a true blue rookie get started i would greatly appreciate it


I want everyone to enjoy just nervice about how they will turn out


Need help getting started im realy worried about how to publish it on here and how to edit post and figuring out how to select the category of what i am wanting it to be i have them planed out in my head just not sure on the rest


@DwightCarlin what kind of advice/help are you needing?