@Hoe_Why_I_Stil_Alive No prob!
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Have you ever wanted to tell someone off...but you can’t? I have a friend that I’ll call Allie, (that’s not her name) and she has recently been doing things that are just...rude. I have a friend who is strictly Catholic, and cannot be a part the LGBTQ+ community (though she does support it) and Allie put her in her shipping book with one of my other best friends. Now, this wouldn’t be an issue if this was the only thing, as we could discuss it with her, however, this is far from the only thing she’s done. My friend (who I’ll call Morgan) was writing a book about our friend group (with our consent), and Allie asked to see it. No big deal. Well...Allie took over the whole book without Morgan’s permission. She put the last names of the group members in the book without asking, and denied doing this. I can’t yell at her though, because I want to see her as a good person. What the hell do I do?
@ranye_likes_BTS I guess you could look at it that way, but I’m not talking about you. I have friends in my neighborhood that did this crap.
@Hoe_Why_I_Stil_Alive No prob!
Have you ever wanted to tell someone off...but you can’t? I have a friend that I’ll call Allie, (that’s not her name) and she has recently been doing things that are just...rude. I have a friend who is strictly Catholic, and cannot be a part the LGBTQ+ community (though she does support it) and Allie put her in her shipping book with one of my other best friends. Now, this wouldn’t be an issue if this was the only thing, as we could discuss it with her, however, this is far from the only thing she’s done. My friend (who I’ll call Morgan) was writing a book about our friend group (with our consent), and Allie asked to see it. No big deal. Well...Allie took over the whole book without Morgan’s permission. She put the last names of the group members in the book without asking, and denied doing this. I can’t yell at her though, because I want to see her as a good person. What the hell do I do?
@ranye_likes_BTS I guess you could look at it that way, but I’m not talking about you. I have friends in my neighborhood that did this crap.
Because I was feeling too good today, my whole day was spent listening to stories about kids who killed themselves and why they couldn’t take it anymore. It strikes me as just...horrifying that people who needed help, people that were hurting so badly, couldn’t get help. And most of the time, it’s because nobody was listening to them. Those people weren’t there to help them, and it’s not always their faults. It’s been a constant worry of mine, and now that fear is amplified. It’s just a horrific thing, and no matter who it is, I don’t wish this amount of pain and suffering on anyone.
@DyingSlowly26 because when you have a good day, its destiny for something else to fuck it up
An actual conversation with my cousin. Cousin: I’ve really been getting into makeup! It makes me prettier and look less tired. Me: I guess so. Cousin: It wouldn’t really help you much. Me: Even if it did, I still wouldn’t wear it. Cousin: *Completely ignores my statement* What would help is if you weren’t as fat. Have you tried not eating? I didn’t know how to respond, and now she’s sending me tips on keeping myself from eating.
@DyingSlowly26 Well, you don’t need to. You are at a perfect weight for your height and age. But, if you do feel the need to lose weight, then do go to a gym instead of starvation. P.S. You are a beautiful and amazing person and an awesome friend. Ignore those who don’t see that. Also, I love you too MY AMAZING AND SMART (AND FUNNY) BEST FRIEND. (No Homo Though)
@Hiruton_san @XbnhafinaticX @grayscrubs Thank you all! I appreciate the kind words and I wuv you all! I can give you all a little update, my cousin is now incredibly aware of eating disorders, and apparently has now advised me that the gym is a better option than starvation. I’d have to agree. She still thinks I should lose weight though.
@DyingSlowly26 Okay, one: If I ever meet your cousin, she’s not going to live. Two: You are a beautiful and amazing person, as well as an awesome friend. If anyone tells you otherwise, ignore them and leave. P.S. If you feel like you need to lose weight, GO ON A DIET. If I find out you stopped eating, I will force feed you.
I guess this is important for everyone to know... I have found the thing I’d die for! And it’s nothing special. I’d die for chocolate.
@DyingSlowly26 no its ok. i have some valentine chocolates manasseh gave to me (the one who rocks at super smash bros while drunk) so i basically devoured those and now my moms mad at me-
@DyingSlowly26 lmao i was just thinking about warm chocolate chip cookies and then i see this- the world really wants to torture me today
I can now proudly proclaim that I’m a genius! I stabbed my eardrum, and now I can barely hear out of my right ear! My genius is astounding.
@GrayScrubs I’m okay. My ear is just pressurized pretty bad, and the sound of blood rushing into my ear blocks everything else out. Add a headache to that, and BOOM! (To answer your question, I stabbed myself with a Q-tip while I was cleaning my ears.)
Okay, the final I was the most worried about, worth 20 fricken percent of my grade, that I didn’t study for, was for science...and I... 97% Words cannot express how happy I am.
@DyingSlowly26 Well, not bitch slapped, more like experimented slapped. But still- Okay, okay, this is same person who pushed me off the bench. bUt aNYwaY-
@Thotty-Genius I’m pretty sure people don’t get bitch-slapped for no reason. You must’ve done something.
@DyingSlowly26 I find it odd that you ask me that, but no. I did not. I’m a bit offended now.
Everyone has their own opinions of beauty, and I think that’s great. You know who I think is beautiful? My besties, @XbnhafinaticX @GrayScrubs @-bloodynxrse. They’re all beautiful people. Sorry for the inconvenience, it needed to be said.
“You don’t exist if people can’t see you.” I’ve been existing for a while now and most people don’t see me. Are you trying to make me depressed? ...Because it’s kind of working...
@XbnhafinaticX Nooooooooo! I wuv you more. I wuv you more than you wuv your girlfriend, Mara.
I'm a crack head
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