
Hey everyone, I'm working on this story, but I need some help you see I want to use pictures of eight different items, but so far I've only found three, but I want to know if any of your have a friend that is good a art that would be willing to help. If so please ask them and if they agree and they have a Wattpad account let me know so I can ask for what I needd help with, I don't want to spoil it for the rest of you. Just know that I'll be asking one of my friends as well if they can do it, but till then I hope you guys can help me.


You know what I'll just write what they look like so you guys can just imagine it, I've tried looking but can't find them all, I might use the pics of the ones that I found, but don't get your hopes up.


I like your story so far about Crystal Beast MC being transported to Arc-V world. Your story kinda inspired me to write and published my own YGO fanfic as well, though with different story, characters, and main deck. You can give it a read when you have time. Other than that, keep working on your series and have a good time :) 


Hey everyone, I'm working on this story, but I need some help you see I want to use pictures of eight different items, but so far I've only found three, but I want to know if any of your have a friend that is good a art that would be willing to help. If so please ask them and if they agree and they have a Wattpad account let me know so I can ask for what I needd help with, I don't want to spoil it for the rest of you. Just know that I'll be asking one of my friends as well if they can do it, but till then I hope you guys can help me.


You know what I'll just write what they look like so you guys can just imagine it, I've tried looking but can't find them all, I might use the pics of the ones that I found, but don't get your hopes up.


Hey guys I'm working on a multiverse book and I want to know if anyone wants to be like a Gardian of the Multiverse with me? Message me if you want to be one I have room for only 5 so the first five get it also send a pic of how you'd like to look like.


Okay think of different things that might be needed to watch over the Multiverse, like for example in the minecraft world they have Watchers and Listeners, think about what type of guardian you want to be


@ DylanBadier  I volunteer 