
Hey Everyone I'm SO excited to announce that the book formally known as Reanimated is on Amazon as Protostar the Birth you can get your digital or soft cover version today. Thanks to everyone who has stood by me all these years as I make this dream a reality! Much love to all of you.


Hey Everyone I'm SO excited to announce that the book formally known as Reanimated is on Amazon as Protostar the Birth you can get your digital or soft cover version today. Thanks to everyone who has stood by me all these years as I make this dream a reality! Much love to all of you.


Hey Everyone it's been a while since I posted just thought I would let you know that I'm alive. Also I am getting published on Amazon kindle. I finished my revision of Reanimated and I'm super proud of it. I hope you guys get a chance to read it, it is vastly better then the first draft I posted here. I will update when I can. Hope you are all we!


Hey Guys! I have a big announcement If you head over to my Facebook page there is a link for booster where you can buy your very own Round Table Chronicles shirt! There $15 plus shipping (They cone right to you) and all processeds go to me to publish my book. Will you help my dream come true. 


Hey Guy's,
          So I spent my hour on the treadmill editing The Round One. Thank you all who have read it and those that are going to. I am just going to be straight with you. I have been thinking about Self Publishing my book on kindle. What do you guys have to say on that subject.