

Wassup! My name's Q and I'm an official Wattpad Ambassador! :D
          This is your official Welcome into the wonderfully wacky wild witty wonderous and slightly wobbly world of Wattpad! (try saying that fast) :D WELCOME :D You are now officially part of this awesome site that's full of awesome people and their amazing stories, which now also includes YOU and hopefully YOUR stories too! So yes, it's official, you are awesome :D
          Just a few newbie pointers; why not check out the clubs and see if you can find any like minded fellow wattpaddians in your fav. forums? There are also forums to help you with spelling/grammar/punctuation and all that :D
          Also in WP we have a fan feature, where you fan authors you wish to follow. You can fan whoever you want but it's not really a 'I've followed you; follow me back' kind of thing like twitter or Fb. Here you fan authors who's works you've really liked rather than just fanning them for the sake of fanning them :) 
          If you ever need help with anything wattpad related or have any questions or even just want to chat, I'm just a message away :) Or alternatively you could go to @WPninjas which is the ambassadors official HQ and there's always someone there willing to help out :) Happy Wattpadding! PEACE!


Hey welcome to Wattpad :D
          Feel fre to pm me at anytime,
          And if you need someone to talk to or are in need of support with your walk with Christ just message me. For you are my brother in Christ.
          I just got back from Lakeside Bible Camp, and have come out with more spirtual strenght than I could imagined. So I am here for you, if you need me and if I didn't just creep you out... sorry if I did 