I think I’m gonna finish up the first installments of my Stranger Things and Gravity Falls crossover and AU stories and post them here soon. Along with a few plain ole’ Stranger Things AUs as well.
Story Title: Blood on the Leaves (Bypher Crossover)
The Crossover is a slower paced story that takes place in a few weeks after the end of Stranger Things 2. William Cipher arrives in Hawkins, Indiana after he is harshly released from servitude and the Axolotl takes pity in him and sends him back in time to another Universe to give him a second chance. He is found soaked to the bone and bleeding out in Castle Byers by non other then a very scared Will Byers. And that’s where the first snippet of this crossover would end.
Story Title: Stranger Falls, (yes I know there’s like 50)
The AU is just simply where the Gravity Falls (and Reverse Falls) Characters full the roles of the Stranger Things characters.
What I have so far is:
Will Byers: Will Cipher
Mike Wheeler: Bill Cipher
El (Jane) Hopper: Human Axolotl
The simple Stranger Things Stories/AUs I will be writing are:
• Abusive Lonnie (AU) | Story Title: He Got Me
• S3 rewrite
•Will Developing Powers | Story Title: Beginners Guide to Being a Cleric
•Cursed/Monster Will (AU) | Story Title: Monster Boy