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this message may be offensive
So my one direction fanfic Best song ever is ranked 40 in the #battleofthebands genre out of 144 books, I'm so fucking proud.
          I know i'm a shitty author that hardly updates (due to writers block).
          I guess I'm caught up in so many things right now I'm really just tryna find myself.
          But I promise to be a better author and let y'all now what goes on in this crazy mind of mine.
          Cheerio, love ifeoma


Hey, wattpad universe this is for all supernatural TV show lovers.
          This is a rant about one of my favorite things which are of course supernatural TV shows.
          There are over 1000 or more TV series based on drama,SciFi , mystery and thriller but a little amount of good supernatural TV shows not wacky shows and if your lyk me and your devastated about this let's make #moresupernaturaltvshows a thing!
          Pls cause i know I'm not the only one that feels this way!
          Lyk we need to be heard!
          Cause if I watch one more TV shows with the same storyline am gonna puke.
          Pass this message to all supernatural TV show lovers!
          Thanks for your time!