Hello and Salams!
Yeah, yeah I'm still alive (Alhamdullilah). So the editing process is moving a bit slow because Im at my first semester of college (YAY).
Man if been gone for like EVER. My favorite books are getting updated and what not. AND I just realized I have 175 FOLLOWERS! I don't even know how that happened. But thank you guys so much! I promise I'll get all the dedications out as soon as I have time
Hello and Salams!
Yeah, yeah I'm still alive (Alhamdullilah). So the editing process is moving a bit slow because Im at my first semester of college (YAY).
Man if been gone for like EVER. My favorite books are getting updated and what not. AND I just realized I have 175 FOLLOWERS! I don't even know how that happened. But thank you guys so much! I promise I'll get all the dedications out as soon as I have time
@GraphicLights Same here :D The only reason I'm ever not on is usually school related. Although I'm "apparently" breaking of of my anti-social bubble. Thanks again :) I'm deciding on whether of not I want some other covers done as well. Question, Does the cover have to be made for a story? Or can it be like my book where I answer questions whenever I'm tagged?
@GraphicLights Thanks! You guys move incredibly fast. When I filled out forms befire I went to bed, I definitely didn't expect to see all three covers when I woke up this morning. You guys are awesome!@GraphicLights
Hello and Salams!
I'm sorry I haven't been posting lately. Right now, especially with college I think I need to try backtracking. So as of now all my stories will be on hold. HOWEVER I will be re-writing and editing stories. So I will let you know once I'm done with changes to each book. I do apologise before hand for any spamming notifications I might cause. Hope to have the first one done by Monday, so until the Unique Peeps!
@GraphicLights thanks for letting me know, I'll go check it out. If you don't mind I'd like to make you my permanent cover shop. I haven't time to fill out another form as of this moment. But possibly later today you'll see one.