
I will soon be able to spend some time on the editing. I am sorry for the time delay. I have had a lot going on with family stuff and battling with my migraines. 


          You can definitely help out people. Here is a link for editors and you can find several who need help and are looking for one. : http://www.wattpad.com/club/27-wattpad-editors
          I hope that helps and good luck! If you have anymore questions, just let me know ;)
          (and I completely understand about the video games thing... I had to stop my addiction to them recently. haha :)


@thevelvetrose I am not an author myself, although I'd like to think of myself as amateur editor. Would wattpad.com be against me helping other authors (who are interested in my help) with editing? I am not interested in money from people, I am just bored of playing dumb games on Facebook to fill my time, and would like to be doing something productive.
          Thank you for your time and warm welcome, and I look forward to hearing from you.