"Princess, I thought you were kidnapped!" *folds hands behind back shyly* "I was trying to save you." "Is that what that was? From my vantage, it looked like I was the one saving you." "Then who's in the bag?" "You mean WHAT'S in the bag. Food. For the less fortunate. Even though I am confined to the palace, I still try to do what I can." "But your bedroom...it was ransacked." "Yes, I...can be quite a slob. Thank you for noticing."
"Can I ask you a question? Do you enjoy being a princess?" "Everyone expects that being a princess is amazing and...wonderful...and...I guess it's okay, but it's also very hard." "Tell me about it. I mean, being the Green Ninja." "We have to live up to a role that was bestowed upon us. We never chose these mantels we hold." "I know. It's hard to live a normal life. At least I get to wear a mask. And you?" "I have my own masks. Sometimes painted, sometimes as the kidnapper of princesses! MUAHAHAHA!" "In my defense, it was my first day..."