
Covers for my books along with introduction pages are gonna be updated soon! just wanted to let readers of those books know. but the contents are staying posted up. ;3


@royal_cornflake <3 :3 cant wait to share more words and fabulous tales with you guys! thanks for your constant support and comments :,) it means a lot and helps a bunch for me to see as a writer. I have been offline for a bit but now I'm back so be expecting wayyyy better stuff and updates coming. again thank you!!


Covers for my books along with introduction pages are gonna be updated soon! just wanted to let readers of those books know. but the contents are staying posted up. ;3


@royal_cornflake <3 :3 cant wait to share more words and fabulous tales with you guys! thanks for your constant support and comments :,) it means a lot and helps a bunch for me to see as a writer. I have been offline for a bit but now I'm back so be expecting wayyyy better stuff and updates coming. again thank you!!