Hello everyone ! Just decided on a big change to the way I'm publish Shadow of Dawn in the future ! After publishing Valmyr's POV and then publishing a longer interlude for Aevi's POV, I've decided it would be far more interesting to publish Aevi's POV every 3-4 chapters. It makes the pacing better, keeps the suspense running and introduces readers to a great character a lot earlier :D For those who have already read far ahead, I'm really sorry for the quick change, you might have to go back and read Aevi's chapters all at once. Thanks again for all the support! Keep on writing, keep on reading and stay safe everyone :D
@LaiaLk @BobRyan874 @SophieMasson5 @alexan629 this might apply to all four of you since you've read pretty far ahead already. Sorry for the sudden change, but it makes a lot more sense for the story