Halloween is creeping up on us. Here are three (actually four) short stories to get you in the mood. These are all completed stories written just for fun. I hope you enjoy.


Thanks for the follow! Did you have the same username on WriteOn? Or something else? I'm finding some people are changing their names, so it's hard to know who is who sometimes!


Same name. I started when it was in beta, but was away trying to get my MS to a traditional publisher. I'm sorry to see it go ☹️, just took down all my stories last night. I'm new to Wattpad. Do you like it here? 


Hi, EDEKing! Thanks for the follow! I'm not sure we met on WriteOn, but always good to meet another refugee! :)


Lol, sorry I didn't explain. I have two completed books. The first I've been querying and been editing for length. I've changed the beginning about 100 times. That's the story I was talking about. I don't have it posted here because of publishing regs. I'd rather exchange via email though writers refuge if that works? 


@EDEKing OH, that's right! *Slaps forehead* Sorry, I'm a nincompoop sometimes. I think it'd be unfair of me to offer a chapter exchange, since you've only got a short story! But yeah, I'd love to. Rachel Andric and The Story is the one I'd appreciate feedback the most for. Just let me know what you want me to check out!


@RCFletcher Hey RC!! I'm EEK On Writers Refuge also . I've been writing and haven't been by for a while. Thanks for the follow, and I'm wondering if you'd be up for a chapter exchange since you also like fantasy?


Hallo EDEK (alias EEK on Writer's Refuge, I presume?)
          Hope you'll soon be putting up some work here on your page.
          So happy you liked my Mum's china-painting - I kid you not that the photos don't to justice to their beauty.  Probably the untalented photographer is at fault with that one, but still believe they'd be more beautiful if they were smaller pics. Ah well, can't have everything!
          Isn't it lovely to see familiar names together again?


@EDEKing  You can always put those longer works here too, but keep them in draft form and you're the only one who will see them.
            After the WO debacle, I like having my 'eggs' in several baskets for safety.  
            I write my 'stuff' first on Scrivener and that is saving automatically every several seconds to my Dropbox account. You can see I surely believe in 'insurance'.


            Hello!  Thanks for the follow. It makes this social networking/internet virgin feel welcome. WriteOn was the only site I was on until I was politely asked to leave. It is good that we're finding one another.  I think I'm going to move all my short stories over here, but my longer works I'm trying to publish traditionally so I'm holding out until I cave and self-publish (which is probably sooner than later) :)