
Hello Friends!
          	I've got a special, early update for you guys. Chapter Forty-Four is up! Check it out and see what you think!


Hello Friends!
          I've updated another 5 chapters of "When the Dust Settles". Lots of things have changed; chapters were either changed or removed and new ones were added. I'll keep updating in increments of 5 for now, but go check it out if you haven't read it yet!


@MKG2012 no worries, you'll probably not enjoy this book


@EDPowell i get it, i just don't like reading/writing mxf stuff so I just wanted a heads up before I started reading 


@MKG2012 sorry, I don't want to say here because it is a spoiler... 


Hello friends! Those of you who've read or had my story "Coming Home" in your reading lists, may have noticed some changes. I've reworked the story entirely and have changed the title. It is now "When the Dust Settles". While you may have read it once before, I'd like to think it's transformed significantly. I believe if you read it now, it would be like reading it for the first time again.  Please give it a look! 
          In the meantime, I'll be taking down most of the chapters and reuploading the brand-new ones. Don't worry! They'll be back very soon. You'll see new chapters with more adventures that you didn't get the first time around. 
          It's been a while since I bothered with this website. I've been very neglectful of my writing but I've since worked on "When the Dust Settles" for some time now and feel comfortable uploading the edited version. I hope you give it a chance, maybe tell your friends about it. Anyway, I hope everyone is well, safe, and happy. Thanks for taking the time to read this!
          Happy reading <3


Hey, I just finished reading Coming Home..really loved reading it. You did an amazing job at portraying the life of soldiers of America. I loved the feel of brotherhood, the solid chemistry between friends..the struggle of a lonely person fighting to make life better ..the whole story is painfully beautiful..In a world where 'caring ' in rare it's nice to remember that everybody isn't the same..keep up your good work 


What is with this influx of spam and fake "editing/agent" services being offered in my inbox from almost brand new accounts? I've reported 3 already in the last week and another one just message me, jesus christ. 
          No, I don't want your editing services from a scam website nor am I going to discord/whatsapp message you at your Chinese number. Lord have mercy. 


@EDPowell  Report them and eventually, those accounts will be taken down.


@KristenMargot got the exact same message. That is definitely a bot. I reported them, but I am not sure Wattpad is doing much about it :/ 


          It's been a while. 
          Can be pretty hard to bring myself to do anything really. Guess that's just what depression does. I've been in a pretty dark place and am always trying to portray this positive person but it's not really me. I hide when I feel this way. I don't want people to know that I'm in this dark pit but even hiding gets old after a while. 
          So I'm telling you now that I'm dealing with my mental health--well, I guess not entirely dealing with but just living with it. I'm trying to accept myself but years of doing the opposite can't be undone so quickly.  Sorry for not saying anything sooner. I wish the darkness didn't consume the light in my life for so long, but I guess it's better late than never to say something. Hope you all are well.
          I'll come back eventually, I think. I normally do. 
          I think I'm going to post some of these feelings/thoughts I've been having. Maybe it makes sense, maybe it doesn't. Oh well. Hope you guys are staying safe in these weird times. 


@EDPowell always remember we are here for you...we love u bunch 


I’ve been there and still am. YOU ARE NOT ALONE !!!  Remember that 


@EDPowell I'm so sorry to hear that. Know that I'm here for you if you want to talk about anything <3


As Coming Home approaches 100k reads, I just wanted to take this time to make a post. 
          I've been editing it, slowly but surely, going through chapters, cutting them short and splitting them up. I've added new chapters and am currently in the process of writing a new one as I type this out. I debated on taking the story down to edit, but I didn't want to take it away from you guys. Even in it's messy, editing process, I wanted you guys to have it. 
          After reading through it again, I just want to say thank you to all off you. These characters mean the world to me and I grow emotional through each trial I put these damn guys through. But none of that would even matter if it weren't for you guys. 
          Without you, this wouldn't have been possible. 
          Wow, 100k... It's a big number and I'll forever be grateful to those of you who decided to support the story. This truly means the world to me. This goes out to all of you :)