
After a lengthy time away from Wattpad, I finally decided to hop back on today. I sorted through notifications and caught up on messages.
          	Now, I'm taking a quick moment to give a general announcement/update. Toward the end of last year, I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. As a first-time mother, I'm still learning how to balance baby care, housework (not to mention an international move), and all the other challenges that come from having a wee one glued to you almost every moment of the day. ^^; For this reason, I'm sad to say, I've done no writing for nearly a year.
          	I do hope to be a little more active on Wattpad, but for the time being, it will likely be as a reader only.
          	All the best,
          	- Phoenix


@EEPhoenix reminiscing when you would read WoL to me with all the different voices and accents for the characters and languages ♡v♡
          	  And yes, the mistakes and roaming plots as you wrote XD
          	  Ah, good memories ♡♡♡


@EEPhoenix congrats, sis❤️ I wish you both sound health.


@AM-Prabeswar Thank you so much! ^^


After a lengthy time away from Wattpad, I finally decided to hop back on today. I sorted through notifications and caught up on messages.
          Now, I'm taking a quick moment to give a general announcement/update. Toward the end of last year, I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. As a first-time mother, I'm still learning how to balance baby care, housework (not to mention an international move), and all the other challenges that come from having a wee one glued to you almost every moment of the day. ^^; For this reason, I'm sad to say, I've done no writing for nearly a year.
          I do hope to be a little more active on Wattpad, but for the time being, it will likely be as a reader only.
          All the best,
          - Phoenix


@EEPhoenix reminiscing when you would read WoL to me with all the different voices and accents for the characters and languages ♡v♡
            And yes, the mistakes and roaming plots as you wrote XD
            Ah, good memories ♡♡♡


@EEPhoenix congrats, sis❤️ I wish you both sound health.


@AM-Prabeswar Thank you so much! ^^


Hi dear,  I honestly love your book the warriors of light, very captivating but I don't think it's finished yet right? Is there book two? 


@Babymajesty2002 it's clear now, no worries, take your time dear, as the Lord God lives, am still here on wattpad, it is well, and I wish you all the best. God bless you dear you shall never falter in Jesus name. Amen. 


@Babymajesty2002 Hello~ I apologize for the late reply. Thank you so much for taking the time to read Warrior of Light! I'm glad to hear you enjoyed my humble story.
            You are correct; WoL was originally book one in the series, and I was only four or so chapters into the first draft of the second book when I decided to polish up WoL for the Wattys. Through a mentorship program, I learnt just how haphazard my plot was, and have since decided that I started the series too early in the world's timeline. So, it's back to the drawing board, so to speak, as I reconfigure where the series will actually begin, and set up a stronger, more stream-lined plot, with more three-dimensional characters. ^^ Real life has pulled me away from writing for the past several months, but I'm hoping to at least get a general outline drafted, soon. However, I may take some time away from the world of Naine Mithale to work on a different piece and sort of re-set my brain. ^^
            Again, thank you so much for taking the time to read WoL, and for sharing your words of encouragement! It has truly made my morning to hear that you enjoyed my work. ^^


Hey! You still around?! How’s the book editing going?


Yay!!! Glad to see you still here! I totally understand about the writing/editing. Sometimes life doesn’t cooperate. 
            You are so welcome! I’ll check my inbox 


@ArielMasters Hello! Yes, I'm still alive. ^^; The past several months have been packed and there have been lots of changes in my life and schedule. The editing was set to the side for a bit (which has been frustrating to say the least), but I'm hoping to pick it back up soon. It's crazy how easily life can get in the way of things you enjoy and kill all motivation.
            At any rate, thank you for checking in on me! ^^ I'll message you with some of the details on what's been going on in my life.
            Also, I do plan on catching up on your new chapters...hopefully very soon!


There are some events in life which have such a profound impact on the course of your life. Seven years ago, I never would have imagined the things that I have since done, nor the places I've been. Sorrow was my whole world, with only a hope that someday I would find a sense of normalcy.
          I have since found joy. Yet on this day, more than others, I feel the ache of loss, and remember the one whom I treasured.
          I miss you.
          I love you.
          I'll never forget.
          Read the poem written about my last visit in hospice, raw and emotional, in Musings of the Mind. (And for those who may be enduring a similar trial, my virtual doors are always open. Feel free to reach out to me.)


@EEPhoenix We lose someone special in our life at least for once. So this is relatable. I'll read it for sure dear.


@EEPhoenix I will read it straight away


Imagine my delighted surprise when I awoke to notifications congratulating me on becoming a Wattys Bootcamp mentee! I wish to extend a massive thank you to @Amanda-Mae for her hard work determining which book/writer to mentor, and for deeming my simple tale worthy of such an endeavor.
          I am still a bit out-of-sorts from the a pleasant way. I had not dared to hope that my book would be selected and I'm feeling suddenly at a loss for words.
          I have so enjoyed meeting other writers on Wattpad and learning from the mentors. I am so excited for my new-found writing 'buddies' who were also selected by a mentor. Please take a look at the list of mentees and show them some love!
          And, for those who were not selected, I want to offer a virtual hug and a word of encouragement. While I said I was thrilled, even if I weren't selected as a mentee, I know that there would have been a feeling of deep disappointment had I not been chosen. So I understand how difficult it must be. But don't give up - never give up - on your passion for writing. Someone, somewhere needs to hear the story you have to tell. So keep writing!


@ArielMasters It's a *very* humbling experience. Lol I feel like my book is the equivalent of a stick-figure drawing. XD


@EEPhoenix  For some reason I can't figure out how to respond to your original comment, but I see it in the notifications. But I just wanted to say that that's how it is for me, too. Every time I think 'I'm there', I send a chapter to an editor just to get guidance and tips on how to improve, I SEE how much I need to improve. LOL! It's a humbling, grateful experience. Anyway, I'm really delighted for you.


@ArielMasters Thank you! I'm realizing (even more than before) what a mess my manuscript is. XD But it will be so worth all the hard work, in the end. ^^