I did get the chapter going last night and I’m in the middle of writing the rest of it now, currently at 1,616 words… I’m gonna try and aim for 4,000 which is my normal cut off point but the last chapter was 5,136 words so it’ll depend on where I am at for a cut off but you will be getting the next chapter tonight. Also for the fairy tail story I’ll be going off the manga rather than the anime, I just got the first 11 books today so I’ve got plenty of time to get that going, but the next set is gonna have to wait, I have a car repair that I have to pay off so no more Amazon purchases for a while till I get that paid off but I shouldn’t get materials off all 11 mangas before I’ll need the next 11 books, so there’s that… HSDxD peeps I haven’t forgotten about you, after I get chapter four wrapped up with TOCs I will be going back to that and get the next couple of chapters out for it before diving back into TOCs… TOCs peeps I will be adding the Memoir chapter that takes place after chapter 6 thankfully I found a video of the gameplay on YouTube so that I can tie it into the story. Anyways I’ve rambled on long enough back to writing, peace peeps!