I've made a character but I can't decide what gender they are. I figured I would make them gender fluid, and just switch between saying he and she at random, but I feel like this might be confusing for readers. What should I do?
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I've made a character but I can't decide what gender they are. I figured I would make them gender fluid, and just switch between saying he and she at random, but I feel like this might be confusing for readers. What should I do?
I've made a character but I can't decide what gender they are. I figured I would make them gender fluid, and just switch between saying he and she at random, but I feel like this might be confusing for readers. What should I do?
Okay, I wanna write a fanfiction, but I'm not sure if I should just write it, or make it more of a "choose your own adventure" kind of thing? I mean, I would give a situation and characters, and people could vote for one of two or a few options. What do you think? BTW I'd be making this for Ajin, cuz I'm obsessed. But I'm pretty sure there aren't a lot of Ajin fans on this site also, which is a major bummer.
Oh and choices can either be done in the comments, or through an online pole. Personally, I think the pole is easier because then I don't have to scroll through a bunch of comments. Unless I set it up a certain way... Idk. anyone wanna help me out here?
And now on a completely different note, who here likes to role play? Cuz I’m tryin’ to get more of it in my life. I made a discord server for rp, and here I am now, looking to invite people to it. Who’s in?
Okay so I cried for like a solid hour this morning. Now you probably don’t care and probably don’t wanna hear about it, but it’s not what you think. I was watching TV, and my show made me cry. It killed someone who I did NOT expect to die, and it crushed me heart. She was in a relationship, and I loved the relationship so so much and I thought it was beautiful and funny, and I just loved it. But then she died. And I had just woken up this morning, hadn’t even eaten breakfast yet. I started watching and that’s what I was met with this morning—crying for an hour. The show is Dexter, and I love it so much. It’s about a killer who kills killers. I recommend it if you’re okay with dead bodies and murders, and lots and lots of blood, along with strong language, a bit of sex scenes, and sex jokes. It’s also just funny. It always makes me laugh. This is probably the first time I’ve ever really really cried about it. Season 4 has been the most feels heavy season for me thus far. I genuinely love this show, they rlly got me attached to this character. Four seasons of not realizing I liked her, and now she’s gone. Ya know, I kept crying, but at some point tears couldn’t come out anymore. May be a little dehydrated...? But anyways, I just had to share that. And now I’m exhausted because crying takes a lot of energy. Y’all go watch Dexter and have a nice day. Oh and also watch Dark. It’s a German show about time travel and wormholes and stuff. Very interesting. It can be found on Netflix.
I tried to talk about this without spoilers, but there’s one in there anyways. So yeah. Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion spoilers. It’s a good show, I recommend. So I just finished the second season of Code Geass, and I cried, so hard. I love that ending so much. I’m gonna try and talk about it without spoiling anything, but man... Lelouch really is a genius. I can’t believe he never let down his guard once. Now that I’ve finished it, I’m kinda angry that they made another season. It should’ve ended after the second one. It was great just like that. The ending was wonderful. But no, they had to go make another one. And I’m kinda torn about it, because from what I’ve seen from the trailer, it looks pretty good. But the characters in that show deserve peace. After all the hell they’ve been through, just let them have this ending! Please! Don’t make more turmoil. So, to anyone that’s seen Code Geass, or the new season, please tell me, do you think it’s worth it? Should I watch it?
I’m bored, but I should be working so I don’t want to start talking with anyone so that I can finish my home work. But I don’t wanna do my homework, so I’m in that weird space where you just sit and do nothing, hoping the work’ll do itself ya know? My family is all out at a parade right now. I couldn’t go cuz I need to work, but here I am—not working.... This is me being bored and complaining about the problem that I made up myself. Ahahahahahahahaha..... I’m so bored. But I should work. But I didn’t want to. But I should. But I’m not....... okay I’m gonna take a break and then work.
I LOVE wakfu!
I don’t know about you guys, or if you go to school, or what your school system is, but Winter-fucking-Break just started! I’m gonna be open for more role plays, but not a butt load because I do need sleep and will be spending time with family irl and stuff. But otherwise, hope to rp with you lovely people!
Whooo! Guess who gets to be sick on their birthday?! Yeah, me! Well I wasn’t sick on my actual birthday, but I was at the party. I think I coughed my lungs out today. Real fun. Probably have acute bronchitis. Any who, I just freaked myself out listening to a scary story about diseases. It was great! I love this story! If ya like scary stories, I think this one would be interesting, and you should give it a listen. Yes listen. Not read. Okay. That’s all now. Um.... https://youtu.be/zYGyfqzyAgI
(imagine this in the most unenthusiastic voice imaginable). Hey guess what? My birthday's in 3 days. yaaaaaayyy..... i dont even have the energy for punctuation anymore. saving it all for the birthday celebration. jk i just have too much work and im here to complain. complain complain complain aomplain compalon. im not gonna fix that. i hope you can tell this is mostly fueled by boredum at 12 am. not gonna fix that either. gnight people. im gonna sleep now. there was no point to this, im just bored. okay bye for real now. maybe. hopefully. okay bye tho.
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