The results of the Golden Writer's Contest are out, and holy cannoli. I'm in shock.
(This is going to get a little sappy and maybe a tad annoying, so, well. Don't read it, I guess)
Going into this experience, I was terrified. I've never really done writing contests before, and with so many talented writers entering, I was hesitant to even submit an entry. But, well, I loved the story prompt, and, as they so often do, ideas and characters started forming. Soon I had an outline, and a cast of characters that I absolutely love, and I bit the bullet and entered 'Queen of the Duat' into the competition.
Many months later, and here we are- Third place in Dialogue and Story #1, and fifth in congeniality. With so many incredibly talented authors in this competition, the feeling of placing among them is absolutely incredible.
So thank you. Thank you to everyone who has supported me, thank you to @TriciaDehler for running this contest and coming up with the genius ideas that started so many people onto great stories, and here's to the future. 2021 is going to be a hell of a year, for better or for worse, and I look forward to continuing on my journey as an avid reader and a young author who is very, very proud of themself and the other writers in the contest.
With love,
Zephyrus <3