
Hi there, thanks so much for reading and voting for The Janus Project :)


@EKorol Lol, thank you! :)


I’m really enjoying it! Ironically my daughter was a steampunk bride for Halloween, another reason I’m really loving the story. I’ve always loved how descriptive you are with your writing. Xoxoxo 


The votes for "The Middle Passage" are greatly appreciated! New readers make me soooo happy!


It's a first draft, which I'll be working on for quite some time, I'm sure! If you'd like to drop me some DMs from time to time, that's fine. I love to see what other have to say. Sometimes they tell me things I never thought of that might help me get through the other drafts even more quickly. So I appreciate the offer!


Yay! I'm absolutely loving your story. It's not my usual genre but stumbled upon it and haven't been able to put it down. Is this a completely finished work?  Or are you open to revisions? Not that I have any. So far the story is perfect, and you know how I know?  It flows in my mind. As I'm reading it, I'm seeing it and everything is happening exactly as it should. Very smooth writing. Occasionally though, I have a suggestion to areas that need more development and others that could use trimming. I never want to critique an author unless I know they're open to it. looking forward to reading more of your work.@CynthiaDagnal-Myron


Hiya.  Thanks so much for reading and voting for Splinter.  So glad you liked the last chapter.  :)


@bnlfan I feel bad I haven't commented more as im usually reading on the subway and my comments don't go through. But ill go back and comment as the period you've picked has been such a blast from the past for me and you depict it so accurately! Never stop writing!!! 