I've been absent for a chunk of time, I know. I will get to reading your books and updating mine again soon. Lately, I've been finalizing edits and formatting Embers on Ice - A Christmas in Montana for Smashwords and Amazon. She's up for Pre-order now, on sale for FREE from Smashwords, and $0.99 at all other retailers (should post by next week). March 1st, 2018 she goes live for eBook and paperback and returns to full price at $2.99. Self-publishing has so much more to do with the business end than the writing, which is why I love Wattpad. Here I can share stories without the hassle and cost of editing (I need a lot of edits), formatting, marketing, and managing. Wattpad means complete freedom, and I love that. So I want you to know, I will be back in the next week. I'm just swamped because I do everything myself, except the final edits of course. If you want serious, constructive help with your writing, checkout my wonderful editor: Jenichappelle.com
Best wishes and hope you all had a great week!