so. It’s been a while. 


I've always wanted to visit UK, especially London. My neighbour was there recently for a MUN conference and I was sooo jealous. XD
          We don't even have those kind of trains here.. Not yet.
          You could always use a map for it? 
          Haha, you have no idea how much my neighbour and I sulked when we weren't allowed to go. I don't think festival tickets for one day is expensive. The one at where I was... It was pretty affordable. 
          Oh my god! Now I seriously wish I could just pack my bag, wear my hat and catch a flight to England! (I don't have a hat)
          I've had fantasies of being in UK.. I'm soooo strange. 


Awwh thanks :') England is far but if I ever can, I will!
          It happened before New Years too. I was on a holiday and the place I was at was having two EDM festivals 4-5 kilometres away from where I was staying and even thought I couldn't hear the music I could see the concert lights every night of the festival. 
          We (neighbours who were in the trip with me) were almost going to go to one of the festivals but our parents vetoed us out :( 
          Where do you live in England?


i'm not good. M starting to hate life because it is so unfair. i've been waiting to go for my very first concert and every time i decide i WILL go, something or the other cancels it.
          it's happened 3 times now. every flipping year since 2012.
          so so so unfair. :'( Imma cry now.


In the summer I barely step out of the house and my parents keep pestering me to go out and do something. Anything. I love swimming. But then, the swimming pools here are mostly outdoors that means being under the sun and getting tanned and there is always someone that pees in the pool. 
          I wish it was cld enough here. I went shopping for my mum in December and the winter collection was amazing and I wanted to buy them all, but then realised those could only be worn for places that are really really cold and the city I live in... Pfft, I pass the winters in shorts. 
          I WANNA PLAY WITH SNOW! Build a snowman and throw snowballs at random people and watch the hot air when I breathe out. 
          Okay... I'll stop ranting now.
          How's school?


We're quite the opposite with seasons. 
          I would love to wear layers of clothes, because it makes me feel cuddly and warm.
          I don't like summer because of the fear of getting tanned and the sweaty, hot afternoons. Yuck.
          And I don't wanna tan.