
Hey sorry guys about the accidental publish, the chapter isn't quite ready yet but it is on the way so get hyped ^.^


Hey this is lux2050 you book "best prank call ever" seems really interesting I will have to read it. I was hoping that you would take a look at my new book "Exchanged". I also love the cover for "love in the oddest places. Lol do you see the comment sandwich there? I was not trying to do that on purpose I promise 


Of course I don't see why not ^.^ anything for a fellow reader


everyone reading best prank call ever. i am finally going through the story and updating it. if you haven't noticed i updated chapter one and two of the story. i made a few tweeks to them so i hope you like the grammar changes and such considering this is my more updated writing style so yeah happy reading  :) ~skyler