** i'm gonna end up making a second dsmp oc i just know it lmao. so if i suddenly disappear, i'm probably doing that (:

@kinglycards IT RAISED A BROW, head tilting slightly to the side. when the taller male bent down to its height, it was quick to cast its gaze downwards, avoiding any EYE CONTACT. the man's laughter was confusing — what was so humerous? it didn't know, & it didn't really want to know .. not / that / badly, anyway. when he motioned to another individual, IT glanced over. the agonizing SCREAM echoed throughout its ears, a faint hue of purple surfacing within its voided hues for a second before vanishing. this person was in PAIN, yet it felt no concern or remorse for them. how pitiful. turning its head towards him, VOI kept their gaze aimed anywhere but his eyes, tilting its head once more. how would one consider someone else's pain a GAME? other beings were truly .. intriguing. but then again, this wouldn't be the first person it came across who enjoyed another person's suffering. ** yw! & i'm glad you think so!