
having a crush on someone is so cute. There's this person I started having feels and I find it cute that they always make me smile even if they're not doing anything special. For example, whenever they start a conversation with me, I get butterflies in my stomach for some reason. And their smile?? Omg, I'm whipped. The way I became flustered whenever they smile so genuinely. Smiles are the feature in appearance I'm weak for.
          	I forgot the feeling of admiring someone, the last and the only person I had a crush on was my Elementary best friend. I'm just glad that I admire someone's existence, wholeheartedly. 
          	I don't expect a "crush back" or reciprocated feelings, I just want to admire their existence.


having a crush on someone is so cute. There's this person I started having feels and I find it cute that they always make me smile even if they're not doing anything special. For example, whenever they start a conversation with me, I get butterflies in my stomach for some reason. And their smile?? Omg, I'm whipped. The way I became flustered whenever they smile so genuinely. Smiles are the feature in appearance I'm weak for.
          I forgot the feeling of admiring someone, the last and the only person I had a crush on was my Elementary best friend. I'm just glad that I admire someone's existence, wholeheartedly. 
          I don't expect a "crush back" or reciprocated feelings, I just want to admire their existence.


Funny, cause i remember arguing with this one taennie shipper and calling them delusional and shi and now I'm laughing cuz in the end, i lost the fight from that one shipper lol. Anyways, if the rumors are true then I'm happy for both Tae and Jen since they both found each other who i knew will give all their love to each other.


Can't wait for Tae's solo tho, i feel like it's a love song about her. (Just a hunch)


You're inactive:( ?


@feistynoona Anywas, so glad to talk again with you Noona^^ 


@feistynoona allhamdulillah tnx for asking Noona! Well yes, School is pretty stressful because of group activities, the reason why I'm stressed at it is because my teammates don't even put an effort to help me. Not even a little bit. It's just unfair that I have to do everything all by myself and all they have is to wait and will receive good grades if they're on my team:( 
            Actually, i can't find any interesting anime these days, the only anime I've been watching recently is Blue Lock(I already finished the anime, i was so invested in it so i had to read the manga) and Chainsaw man. I also started watching One Piece since my Teacher always talks about it too. But my fav anime that I watched last year was "The Disastrous life of Saiki K" I was so disappointed that they ended it too:( Btw, speaking of anime; do you have any recommendations?


            I relate to you on an emotional level! Life is alright I guess. Alhamdulillah for everything. How have you been? Are you still stressed cuz of homework/exams? Did you watch any anime recently? 


I want to make an OTV fanfiction sooo bad since they have a lack of stories breh but I'm afraid it's going to get flopped and all the efforts and ideas are going to be wasted T_T *dead skull emoji*


@Dr_Sinner Ah Thank you! I will think about it when I have the time, also Thank you for commenting, I really enjoy your story. Everything about your book just amazes me! :D


@-sykkuwu You should try it anyway! I had the same thought when I started mine, but you'll never know until you try!


Anyone gonna write an OTV or DSMP zombie apocalypse au? Pausechamp? *eyes emoji* i'll be the number 1 supporter <33


@Sykkuuwu Ooh that’s a good idea…


@TheOmniWitch YASSS I want that sooo bad, I just read a Kpop zombie au(its like the Kdrama "Hapiness" ) and I was like; "
            Yo, someone needs to write either OTV or DSMP (or maybe both) Zombies apocalypse AU cuz ik for a fact it's going to be an awesome book" 
            And yes, maybe some important people will also die cuz it's a little boring if they won't tbh, there's going to be like plots twists and betrayals and stuff! 


If fuslie has million number of fans i am one of them . if fuslie has ten fans i am one of them. if fuslie have only one fan and that is me . if fuslie has no fans, that means i am no more on the earth . if world against the fuslie, i am against the world ❌☄️
          LOVE LESLIE <3 I just copied what otv&friends dd in twitter lol but I'm a fuslie fan! WOOO VOTE LESLIE


IK I'm late and she didn't won but still She won in our hearts :) we love her


ahh thanks for voting on so many chapters from my book! i reread it the other day and it made me kinda cringe but its cool to see people interact with it so thank you for that <33


@illusiional <333 wc! Honestly, I don't find it cringe, I love it :) I actually like the backstory and the plots. Keep up the good work!