Just a heads up I am doing a rewrite to {Absolutely Unique} I grew bored also kinda wrote myself into a dead end I hope you will enjoy the rewrite sorry to those who already read it but I assure u it will be an improvement and we will still have the Glades...


Just a heads up I am doing a rewrite to {Absolutely Unique} I grew bored also kinda wrote myself into a dead end I hope you will enjoy the rewrite sorry to those who already read it but I assure u it will be an improvement and we will still have the Glades...


Sorry about my bad case of writers block on my recent fanfic if anyone was starting it I am redoing it, let's face it if I am board it will fail, I am getting closer and closer to my plot but until than please bare with me, till than check out deception, I have some chapters there yet to post but I posted a ton before my ending lol


Okay so till further notice Enigma will be under reconstruction, I got a plot going on but got ahead of myself, I want to dial something's back that I added to recent chapters, so plz bare with me I will have it up immediately, thank goodness I did it sooner than later, if you started reading again so sorry again, idk what it is with this one but I keep needing to rewrite, I think if it happens again I will just pull it and literally start all over same title tho whish me luck lol


So it happened again idk what it is with this book I just can't get the right feeling for it although this time was better than last time like they say if at first you don't succeed try, try again, in my case feel like this one is a never ending try that doesn't go anywhere.
          But I am going to keep at it and hopefully we have another good one like deception, lol I gotta stop comparing deception to my future writings maybe that's why I keep getting stumped...
          So Enigma is under a massive reconstruction again so bare with me 


Sorry once again to those that might have been reading Enigma, its going to be under construction once again, tbh I don't see activitie going no one is voting or at least commenting and I am loosing slight interest in it, let's face it if the author isn't happy with it, its not going to be good.
          The original boys will still be present similar storyline yet hopefully better so till I decide to reconstruct it will be published, when I can work on it I will pull all published work, again sorry about this but has to be done. 
          Love you all stay safe.


For those reading enigma the latest chapter {friend/foe~} has been changed so please reread it so you understand what is going on pass that point because an important character was added.
          This might happen at times if you see something you just read is updated its a good idea to skim it at least to see where things changed.
          I can tell you the change happens during the conversation Johnny has with jones when they hang up that's where it's different. Sorry for any confusion but wasn't happy where I was going before


Okay so I am working on my new book got 13 chapters so far,  the fist is posted we'll say as a preview, I don't know when I will post more but right now just letting it flow I have to proof read to ensure no miss spells I am not perfect with grammar but I try, also yes they are Sam and Dean no they are not Winchesters and no Kass my Kass is Kassian not Castle but again yes he is the inspiration not trying to be a fanfic sure they hunt demons but all my characters hunt demons look g before I caved and watched Supernatural in November and yep I watched to the end I cried at the end lol.
          But like I said they are just inspiration, its all my ideas not the series 


Lol forgot to give u the title its {~Enigma~}