Dang its really hard looking at 20 reads on a book... Helpppp lol


~Beautiful Person Award ~
          Please copy and paste this poem to at least 3 people's boards. This is a poem I created to remind people that they ARE beautiful! And everyone deserves to know that.
          Every person is beautiful in their own way,
          Like a rose, or a lilly, or a daisy,
          All are beautiful, but they are different,
          Not one is hazy,
          Therefore, it is crazy to have only,
          One type marked as pretty,
          Because they are beautiful in their own way,
          Like a poem, whether it’s silly, witty or ditty.
          All are beautiful, not one is the same,
          I think we all forget,
          That we all are beautiful,
          So there’s no need to sweat,
          If someone is prettier,
          That's the tempter in your mind,
          Trying to drag you down,
          So don’t be blind,
          You are as pretty as the person next to you,
          So remind them that they’re beautiful too,
          It might make their day,
          Because they could’ve forgotten,  just like you.


You're welcome!