Due to the upcoming first day of VIRTUAL classes, I might not upload this month. I have a lot of food in my schedule, and I was making time to update Mission: Reborn and TDW as possible this month.
But lookie lookie, TDW was almost half finish, but I got writer's block, and Mission: Reborn was ALMOST finish and it's under proofreading, but I got class orientation and a lot of fixing to do.
So I decided to update once every two months for each books (I hate explaining bear with me...) E.g. I will update Mission: Reborn somewhere in October and November for Two Different Worlds then so on... More like a pattern!
I also have shitty wifi so THANKS A LOT PLDT! I almost missed HALF OF THE FIRST ORIENTATION BECAUSE OF YOU! (ノ`Д´)ノ彡┻━┻
I would like to chatter more, but like I said, I'm busy fixing my modules and notebooks, I have class orientation tomorrow at 9 am and 1 pm, and praying that PLDT won't be the cause of my death ಠಗಠ. See you somewhere in October, hopefully I won't die from stress and procrastination :'D