
          	Oh my god I did it.
          	I swear the conversation section of my profile is just becoming a public journal for this story. So to anyone thatā€™s reading this except me, hey thereā€¦
          	Chapter 3 is live as of 3:34AM. To be extremely truthful, menstrual cramps suck. I could only sleep for an hour before waking up in bear down pain. So after downing an extra strength Tylenol, I decided to revise the chapter and hit publish LOL
          	(I have to be ā€˜upā€™ and getting ready for work at 4AM and itā€™s 3:40AM as I write this :c )
          	This chapter feltā€¦ boring. I donā€™t know, like if the writing could be represented with art I feel like this is just a straight line on a sticky note. 
          	With this chapter I was trying to convey Taylorā€™s thoughts and inner struggles to the reader and make them more relatable and understandable. Our poor boy Taylor is a massive introvert at the moment. Heā€™s very much in his head and not outwardly expressive about it. Also how seemingly ā€˜normalā€™ his home life is. ALSO ALSO to formally introduce our second characterā€¦ the beast!
          	ā€œWhat is this beast? What does it want from him?ā€ Well for starters we do know it doesnā€™t intend to cause harm to our protagonist. It seems docile and curious! I guess weā€™ll just wait and see how it progresses.
          	On a slightly unrelated note, I keep reverting to using ā€˜humanā€™ terminology during this story. I cannot begin to tell you how many times I corrected myself from ā€˜hand(s)ā€™ to ā€˜paw(s)ā€™ over this thing. So annoying haha
          	To draw this entry to a close, Iā€™m thinking that a minimum of five thousand (5000) words a chapter is pretty meaty. Whenever I start revisions I lose focus around 3000 so I can only imagine that the focus of a reader probably lasts as long as I have their attention. 
          	Seven minutes until my first alarm goes off, and then an hour after that I will be leaving my house to drive to work. Have a good rest of your day :D


          Oh my god I did it.
          I swear the conversation section of my profile is just becoming a public journal for this story. So to anyone thatā€™s reading this except me, hey thereā€¦
          Chapter 3 is live as of 3:34AM. To be extremely truthful, menstrual cramps suck. I could only sleep for an hour before waking up in bear down pain. So after downing an extra strength Tylenol, I decided to revise the chapter and hit publish LOL
          (I have to be ā€˜upā€™ and getting ready for work at 4AM and itā€™s 3:40AM as I write this :c )
          This chapter feltā€¦ boring. I donā€™t know, like if the writing could be represented with art I feel like this is just a straight line on a sticky note. 
          With this chapter I was trying to convey Taylorā€™s thoughts and inner struggles to the reader and make them more relatable and understandable. Our poor boy Taylor is a massive introvert at the moment. Heā€™s very much in his head and not outwardly expressive about it. Also how seemingly ā€˜normalā€™ his home life is. ALSO ALSO to formally introduce our second characterā€¦ the beast!
          ā€œWhat is this beast? What does it want from him?ā€ Well for starters we do know it doesnā€™t intend to cause harm to our protagonist. It seems docile and curious! I guess weā€™ll just wait and see how it progresses.
          On a slightly unrelated note, I keep reverting to using ā€˜humanā€™ terminology during this story. I cannot begin to tell you how many times I corrected myself from ā€˜hand(s)ā€™ to ā€˜paw(s)ā€™ over this thing. So annoying haha
          To draw this entry to a close, Iā€™m thinking that a minimum of five thousand (5000) words a chapter is pretty meaty. Whenever I start revisions I lose focus around 3000 so I can only imagine that the focus of a reader probably lasts as long as I have their attention. 
          Seven minutes until my first alarm goes off, and then an hour after that I will be leaving my house to drive to work. Have a good rest of your day :D


          Man that really does expose the fact that itā€™s been TWO YEARS since there was activity here
          Chapter 2 has finally been posted in itā€™s entirety. After the thousandth revision of making sure everything flowed smoothly and grammatically made sense I just hit the publish button. Because honestly if I didnā€™t it never wouldā€™ve seen the light of day. 
          It probably doesnā€™t seem like it but I think about this story a lot. Iā€™m constantly thinking of ways that I can shape the plot and what sort of twists to throw in it to keep the attention of any reader that happens to stumble upon this. Chapter 2 shows hope of having somewhat of a reason for the main characters existence and why Iā€™m writing a story at all lol
          I also really pushed myself to write this because I start my new job in two days! And with the schedule Iā€™m about to have, boy oh boy I at least wanted to put something on here. 
          I had a little trouble explaining the lab and itā€™s various features so I reeaaaaaalllly hope that the word barf is bearable and understandable. 
          If somehow, someone other than myself is reading this. Wow. Thank you. But please do not make me your favorite author or you will be disappointed  this is me pointing at you for being a goober of a follower to a goober of an author like me
          (Also also please ignore any mistakes I mightā€™ve missed during the many revisions I make. Iā€™ll probably see it whenever I read it again for the 1,001th time)


          ...soooooooo howā€™s it goinggg?  itā€™s been a while since the last time and Iā€™ll be honest I forgot this existed. Them college classes do be a little distracting. I actually had to re-download Wattpad onto my phone as it had off loaded it due to lack of use. Crazy stuff. 
          So I decided to finish this with finals literally next week because, priorities I guess. I did say this was going to be a train wreck haha
          Chapter 1 has officially been posted. I read through it a lot to see if I could catch any errors before publishing it and while I did Iā€™m sure that thereā€™s something else wrong with it that I didnā€™t catch. So if you see any Iā€™m sorry ;-;


          omg hey whatā€™s up
          Sooooo Iā€™ll be honest, there was about a week that I didnā€™t write anything on Ch. 1 since the last post was made. Between sudden writers block, college prep and games, Wattpad became a stranger to me. But I did work on the chapter for three days in a row now and it has reached a little over 3000 words ;~; 
          One of the reasons Iā€™m writing now is because for some unknown reason I canā€™t sleep and itā€™s almost 3 in the morning
          my defense for my procrastination is that I donā€™t really care for this chapter haha
          Yes I want to introduce the main character and show you what heā€™s like but I also canā€™t wait to start talking about the other cool things but I also donā€™t want to put half the amount of effort into a chapter just because I donā€™t like it I think itā€™s a serious dilemma...
          ANYWAYS, something you should take away from this is that NO, I have not forgotten about this story and will use this story as a means of entertainment and venting  Iā€™m sorry Iā€™m so slooowwā˜¹ļø
          Lastly, if anyone is actually reading thisāœŒļø
          (Thank you for staying)


          I must say, this story takes a lot of brain power and research. 
          Iā€™ve always been the wordy kind, and that was always shown in essays and reports that Iā€™ve written over the years. But then when I finish dumping out what was in my head, I revise it to see if it makes sense. And sometimes there are words that it doesnā€™t need haha
          The teasers were written in order to introduce a couple aspects of the story and how it will be told. Firstly, it was to introduce you to my style of writing. I hope itā€™s easy to follow...
          Second, it was to introduce the main character! Our bunny Taylor has some strange dreams huh? I also wrote the first teaser in first person, from Taylorā€™s POV. Although, the second teaser is written in third person... that was to introduce to you the group that will interact frequently with our protagonist.
          ā€œBut Emi you mentioned two characters in the bio why didnā€™t you say anything about the second characterā€
          ...well technically I did :Y donā€™t blink too fast ok? 
          One last thing, both teasers were 2100+ words. And I can guarantee that the main chapters will be much more than 2000 words. It might not seem like a lot of words, but 2000 words took me 3 hours to produce, along with the 5 minutes it takes to comb through and revise. I think too much Iā€™m sorryyyy /)-(\