-`,✎ Armin had smiled and thanked him, “ not a problem sir! I’m always happy to help you with whatever you need!” The blonde male had gratefully took the small cup.
/ there’s lots of males I find on Pinterest so guess armin just gonna be random from now on. Oh well at least I don’t have to settle on a FC
麢⁂͓֮⿻͚ٞ꙰ @PlxnetSmexy
-`,✎ “id love to. Have a good night jean!” The shorter male said covering up his own yawn. Though he’d be up for hours just playing on his phone.
Eren stood there watching the too blondes go at it. He wasn’t sure if he should step in and separate the two. Instead he just stood there watching closely. If they started to slap or throw punches at the other. He would separate them instantly.
He pushed back his longer hair as he sighed shaking his head. In a way it was oddly amusing to the older taller male. He did know both of them pretty good. Clearly he knew one way more than the other. Obviously.
//going off your little play fighting below this. Hah.