
Chapter 3 of Fire Seeker is finally up


Hi! Just wanted to say thank you for all the votes and for reading until the end of my first chapter book.  I really appreciate it!  If you're interested, you could also look up the sequel THE QUEENS.  I've just started writing it, and the prologue has been published here.  Once again, thank you!


@mccumpio Of course, I really like it :) Eventually I'm going to put all of the books I've read on here into a suggestion book, and I'll definitely look into the sequel! :)


Did anyone else see Stephen Amell on Monday Night Raw?!?! How he jumped over the barrier, leaped over the top rope Edge style, speared Stardust and started to beat the crap out of him?? Now Stephen has a tag-team match with the 'Red Arrow' against Stardust and his partner at Summerslam. :D