/* CB a mood for a starter
(With Eurus as her therapist? I believe she took up a disguise as John’s therapist, Ursa) “— and then she called me emo! It sounded like an insult, but I wasn’t even sure — What does that even mean?!” She sniffed, using the towel in front of her. Worry lines filled up all over her frail face. Tara was annoyingly sensitive at times, but being a great performer, she didn’t show much of her hurt in front of Lorna.
@EasterlyWinds “But I’ve learned from that. Be nice, but not too nice. Like, offer flowers and fruits and other things, but take money from them just so it’s not too nice. And if I were to ask someone for something, pay money for it…” she made up, thinking really hard on ways to blend in. It made sense. People were generally selfish, and needed money. “That being out of the way,” she leaned forward, “would you be my friend? I can pay you for it,” she winked, implementing her new found theory.
@MayikaTara She nodded slightly, and just watched, patient and understanding, her head tilted slightly, her pale eyes intent on the other. "Yes... metaphorically of course," sipping a cup of tea she just watched and observed.
Mmmmmmmmmmmmh I smell inSanITy!
@EasterlyWinds Oh this is what I get high on. You'd really put even the cannibals to shame with your scent.
/ this account is stunning as always, gal! <3
But what if the winds blow north?