
(1) – Due to Wattpad’s character limit, this is a three part post – (1)
          	Hey everyone, long time no talk,
          	I wanted to give a bit of an update on myself and the future of The Felician Chronicles. As some of you already know, my life has recently taken off in a direction that I couldn’t have predicted, and time has become somewhat of a luxury. The thing is, though, I don’t really see that changing any time soon. I’ve moved into what I see as the next step in my life, and I’ve found that my priorities have evolved and changed from what they were only a year ago. But before I get into that, I want to go back a bit and talk to you all about Skywolf, about a few things that many of you may not have known to maybe help you understand where exactly I’m coming from.
          	Here's the thing, I don’t really do hobbies… I do obsessions. When I find a passion, be it guitar, photography, cars, college, writing… I jump in 110%, whether or not it’s the best decision for my physical or mental health. I’ve always been obsessive, and while I believe that’s helped me get to where I am today, it’s also taken its toll. When I started writing Skywolf, I was a fulltime engineering student, and I was putting in around 6-8 hours a day, 6-7 days a week, into Skywolf on top of that. I was also going to weekly physical therapy sessions for some injuries I got in a pretty gnarly car accident. It was exhausting, and I still carry a lot of the repercussions of that, but to be honest with you all, I still loved every minute of it.


(1) – Due to Wattpad’s character limit, this is a three part post – (1)
          Hey everyone, long time no talk,
          I wanted to give a bit of an update on myself and the future of The Felician Chronicles. As some of you already know, my life has recently taken off in a direction that I couldn’t have predicted, and time has become somewhat of a luxury. The thing is, though, I don’t really see that changing any time soon. I’ve moved into what I see as the next step in my life, and I’ve found that my priorities have evolved and changed from what they were only a year ago. But before I get into that, I want to go back a bit and talk to you all about Skywolf, about a few things that many of you may not have known to maybe help you understand where exactly I’m coming from.
          Here's the thing, I don’t really do hobbies… I do obsessions. When I find a passion, be it guitar, photography, cars, college, writing… I jump in 110%, whether or not it’s the best decision for my physical or mental health. I’ve always been obsessive, and while I believe that’s helped me get to where I am today, it’s also taken its toll. When I started writing Skywolf, I was a fulltime engineering student, and I was putting in around 6-8 hours a day, 6-7 days a week, into Skywolf on top of that. I was also going to weekly physical therapy sessions for some injuries I got in a pretty gnarly car accident. It was exhausting, and I still carry a lot of the repercussions of that, but to be honest with you all, I still loved every minute of it.


(2) – Read part 1 first – (2)
          Waking up in the morning after posting a chapter to excitedly read every comment, (and I do truly mean every, single, comment) and watching this story grow, was truly one of the most amazing times in my life. Publishing a book was a goal that I had always wanted to achieve, and I couldn’t have done it without all of you. Your support is really the only thing that kept me going every time I thought I had reached my limit.
          Now on to Book 2 and 3. Like I said, my priorities have changed. There are a lot of things in my life that I find important, things that I want to dedicate time to each day and week, and unfortunately, I just don’t have the time for everything. I have to make choices about where I focus myself and my life. What I did for Skywolf wasn’t sustainable, I knew that at the time, and I honestly don’t think I could do it again. It took nearly everything from me, and I had to make some extreme sacrifices that I don’t think I could make again. Sacrifices of time and, well, priority. While I’m extremely proud that I completed Skywolf, I also find a certain level of regret in the fact that I completed it in seclusion. I’ve never shared it with my family or friends, and while I believe that reclusiveness has helped my focus, it has also been difficult to work so hard for nearly a year to create something that I don’t plan to share with those who mean the most to me. So, I guess this leads to the point of all of this, and that’s that I’m taking a step back from The Felician Chronicles, and I don’t know if I’ll return.


@Eastern_Wind_Wolf thanks again and hope all is going well for you and can’t wait to see your future work if you get back into it. No pressure by the way take care of yourself first and do what you think is right 


@Trenchgun1897 That means so much, it really does! I'm so glad it inspired you to keep going, and I hope you do. I'm sure the story will be amazing!


@Eastern_Wind_Wolf very true, I’ve had to take down and rewrite my story for the 3rd time now and I often sometimes think about just throwing it away, but thankfully I am determined and get inspired to continue when read others work like yours Skywolf has been a big read for me!!


(3) – Read Part 2 first – (3)
          I know this is probably not what many of you want to hear, and I’m sorry about that. To be honest with you, it’s really not something I want to hear either. I keep telling myself that I can handle it, that I’m making a mistake and that I can keep writing and living my life like I have been, but I know deep down that it wouldn’t be the right decision.
          Now, I don’t know if this is the end for The Felician Chronicles; I had so much more planned, and I still have this driving urge to continue with the story, but in case it is, I wanted to say thank you. Thank you for helping me create Skywolf and for giving me some of the most memorable experiences of my life. It has truly meant the world to me.
          And now onto the last part. In the next few months, I’ll probably be removing Skywolf from Wattpad, Amazon, and any of my other accounts. My intent was never to make money off of it, just to get it to those who wanted it. I won’t delete them, of course, in case I do return to continue with the story someday, but I don’t want to leave them abandoned. I prefer to end something when it’s still good instead of leaving it to slowly be forgotten.
          I really do hope that one day I’ll be back, and who knows, maybe that’ll be soon… life can be crazy like that. For all I know, I might write a new chapter next week and post it, but I don’t want to keep you all waiting and thinking that something’s coming when there’s a good chance it’s not.
          I don’t know if this is goodbye or just a hiatus, but in case it’s the former, again, thank you. Without you, I never would’ve been able to do this, something I’m so incredibly proud of. Skywolf never could’ve been completed without your reads, comments and likes, and I truly hope you enjoyed the experience as much as I did. I’ll never forget it.
          Your friend,


@UrizRead Sorry Uriz :( I really appreciated you follow along, and I hope to be back some day to finish it. Thanks for all of the comments, I'm glad you enjoyed it :)


@Eastern_Wind_Wolf Well these are really bad news. It would have been a great triology of books knowing how good the first one was :(
            However if it is no longer sustainable to continue it then so be it. Live your life however makes you happy and don't forget that you made, and still have, a great thing you can come back to any time you want.
            That said I wouldn't go to the extreme of hiding Skywolf on Wattpad. New people can still find and enjoy it as a standalone book. Maybe change the title of book 2 and add something like 'semi-permanent hiatus' or edit the description of book 1 saying you may not continue with book 2. But hey do what you think is best.
            But yeah, very sad to see you go, but at the same time huge thanks for those good afternoons you gave me each week reading new chapters as they released and bringing joy to my life and others lifes for free. You created a magnificent story and universe.
            Thanks and good luck wherever life gets you.


@Walkinbo Thanks I really appreciate it :) I'll hopefully be back some day to keep going.


Hey everyone, just wanted to give a quick update!
          Sorry for being so quiet after posting the first chapter of book 2. Life kind of took off right after, and the past few weeks have been an absolute whirlwind! I am still working on the book, though, and I'm hoping to get back into a more "consistent" posting schedule as soon as possible! Thanks for sticking around!
          Hope everyone's doing great; I Can't wait to keep releasing Broken Wolf for you all!


@Eastern_Wind_Wolf you are doing good job, keep it on. And have a good day too.


Hey everyone, great news!
          Skywolf has more music! If you're interested and want to listen to "Foreign Hearts" while reading the scene that it correlates to, go back and give chapter XVI ...the scars we share... another read through. The music was made by none other than Man in a Trenchcoat, and it goes along with the final scene of the story so well! It really helps bring the first chapter of the trilogy to a close properly, and I couldn't be happier with out it turned out!
          Hope you enjoy!


@Airsoft_insurgency It really is! The music that he's made for the story has added to the reading experience so much! :D


@Eastern_Wind_Wolf I am just glad to be making music :)


Broken Wolf is live!
          I hope you all enjoy the first chapter! While I have the entirety of the outline completed, I am writing Broken Wolf as I upload it so that you don’t have to wait another six months to read it. This means that some minor aspects, such as numbers and names, are subject to change as the story continues to develop, though the major story components and plot lines will remain the same. If I make any significant alterations down the line, I’ll be sure to let you know which portions should be re-read for clarification.
          As always, thank you all so much for following along. It means the world!


@Eastern_Wind_Wolf Cant wait to start reading mate!


This is where the fun begins.


Small update!
          I added the Skywolf OST to chapter III: win it back or die trying, so if you want to see how that looks, give it a read through! It's pretty cool that Wattpad allows you to do that!


@thekid448 Don't forget to comment! ;)


@Eastern_Wind_Wolf oh man i totally will... sounds like fun ;)


Hello everyone, I’ve got some exciting news!
          The second installment of The Felician Chronicles, Broken Wolf, will launch tomorrow! I’m so excited to continue the story with all of you!
          In preparation for the release, I have something very exciting to share with all of you. Over the past few months, I’ve had a ton of support from various readers and followers, one of whom went out of his way to create an OST theme for Broken Wolf! The link is below, and I highly suggest that you go ahead and give it a listen, as it really encapsulates the feel of the story! Man in a Trenchcoat is extremely talented, so please give him some support and subscribe to his page, as I doubt this will be the last music you see for the series. There’s already another song on his page, Reflections, which he created to go along with the scene where Ryder first arrives on the Felician station and stares out the window at Earth. I’m incredible grateful for everything he’s created so far and how he’s truly helping the story and world I’m creating feel alive!
          (Broken Wolf OST: Opening Theme)
          Finally, I started a Buy me a Coffee page in preparation for the expenses involved in the publication of Book 2! Any and all proceeds will go directly towards commissioning the final cover for Broken Wolf, and if there is any extra, it will go towards various projects such as soundtracks or chapter art. If you feel like donating, it would mean the world to me, but there are no obligations, and the book will still be available here on Wattpad!
          I can’t wait to continue on with this story with all of you! Thank you all so much for sticking around and helping support the project!


@Walkinbo Thanks for continuing to follow along! :D


@Fur153 Ah, no problem! Yeah, I have shared it in a few places, so it's not a huge secret anymore XD


@Eastern_Wind_Wolf sorry for the peculiarities of the Russian language, this means that you made a spoiler of the book cover without publishing the book


@Eastern_Wind_Wolf I love your story mate. This has become one of my new favourite stories on Wattpad.
          Now that book 1 has been published, are their any plans on doing an audiobook version as well?


@jake04071996 Thank you so much, I'm so glad you've enjoyed it! I have actually contemplated an audio book, but I don't have the resources for that at the moment, especially with most of my free time now going into the production of book 2. It is definitely a possibility for the future, though!
            Thanks for following along!


Hello everyone! Sorry for being quiet for so long; I've been hard at work on the book 2 outline for the past couple of months, I promise you! I just wanted to let you all know that the outline is officially complete, and I've started actual work on the book! I'm hoping to get a chapter out to all of you in the next few weeks, and I’m really excited! I also have a few other fun tidbits to share here soon, so keep an eye out for those! Thank you all so much for sticking around and being patient! I can't wait to continue this journey with all of you; your incredible response to Skywolf and support alone is what has kept me working on this series and kept me writing, and it truly means the world to me!
          Also, a small announcement on the Amazon copy of Skywolf. The first batch that has been for sale since October has a "First Edition Print" page with a digital signature. I wanted to give something special for my long-time followers as well as the first group who purchased it and supported my work. I will, however, be removing this page once I start posting book 2, and it won’t be back. I’m not, by any means, trying to convince you to buy the novel, it will continue to be available here for the foreseeable future for free, as always. I just wanted to let you all know for anyone who is interested and would like to have a first edition print on their shelf.
          Again, thank you all so much! You’ll be hearing from me soon!


@UrizRead I'm excited too! It'd gonna be a ride for sure!


@thekid448 Haha, thank you for your support!