
@UnicornFool @ivanlouie I had to rewrite because my first reply was offensive O.o
          	 I know I'm like, REALLY late replying -like asdfghjkl and you probably won't see this but I feel rude not replying :3 I know, I gotta get my sh'it straight and I will, I promise -I swear- I'll start writing as soon as I finish this stupid Physics homework... 
          	I'm sorry <3


@UnicornFool @ivanlouie I had to rewrite because my first reply was offensive O.o
           I know I'm like, REALLY late replying -like asdfghjkl and you probably won't see this but I feel rude not replying :3 I know, I gotta get my sh'it straight and I will, I promise -I swear- I'll start writing as soon as I finish this stupid Physics homework... 
          I'm sorry <3