
Wow wtf 500k reads on my Jake Sully fic is insane!! I cant believe I'm still getting notifications on it but i just wanted to say how much i appreciate all your silly comments that always guarantee to pull a laugh from me and all your votes guys it really means so much to me <33


Wow wtf 500k reads on my Jake Sully fic is insane!! I cant believe I'm still getting notifications on it but i just wanted to say how much i appreciate all your silly comments that always guarantee to pull a laugh from me and all your votes guys it really means so much to me <33


Im actually crying i just finished Avatar the last airbender :((((( i dont know what to do with my life now


            do you like spoilers?
            if u do then its down here
            The only members of the gaang are Katara and Toph and they only have like- five minutes of screen time. Zuko is there for like- 30 seconds and Iroh is there for a little while. Aang isnt really there and Sokka is barely on the screen. 


Who had the right to cast Professor Tom Riddle as such a hottie. "Remember who the bad guy is, Georgia." IM TRYING!!


Why are periods a thing. This is so stupid.


@Eat_Limes_Bitches i thought it was just me who thought that.


Tmi but why does it feel like you're giving birth to a jellyfish when a bloodclot comes out?? Like, it's so unnecessary. 


@Eat_Limes_Bitches agreed. And parents always seem to be mad at you while you’re on it, like I’m sorry I’m sitting down because it feels like someone is repeatedly stabbing me in the abdomen, can’t you do such and such, but no, they can never seem to do it, and then always say “I do all ye work in this house”


how are we liking the new midnight swims poster? Its a bit different from my other aesthetics but its growing on me :) dont be a silent reader!


@Eat_Limes_Bitches Okay, well I just found out 8 minutes ago. But thanks for telling me. :))


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@SomeHoeNamedYn first of all, i dont know what beta means  I use both the Wattpad app and google to update my stories, I am honestly so far behind with the technical vocab of writers, I just write shit and post it. If yoy have any questions feel free to dm me!!


@Eat_Limes_Bitches R u now beta or website of wattpad?, cuz I wanna start stories but can't find put how to do it...