
Hey everyone! I’m just going to say here what I did on my Branded story. I will no longer be writing anything for YouTube ships. I left the YT shipping fandom a while ago and just never was able to say so on here but I want to come clean and confirm it for everyone.
          	Of course, this means that none of my YT books will continue. I’ll never be able to complete them and I’m very sorry about that. I don’t know if I’ll delete them or not yet but I might leave them up as they are still enjoyed to this day.
          	I’m not sure if I’ll continue to post here but if I do it will be fandom ships rather than real people as that’s just so wrong to me now. Either way, if I do post again I hope you’ll enjoy the new content I’ll put out. Thank you for sticking with me all this time and enjoying my stories. See you guys later!


Update: I have decided to unpublish everything. If I'm being honest with myself I always wanted to do that but felt too bad to be able to at the time. However, I just don't want my old stories to reflect my profile/who I am now. So they're gone. If there's anything you want back I can see what I can do. One day I will most likely post fictional ships but we will see. Until then, peace.


Hey everyone! I’m just going to say here what I did on my Branded story. I will no longer be writing anything for YouTube ships. I left the YT shipping fandom a while ago and just never was able to say so on here but I want to come clean and confirm it for everyone.
          Of course, this means that none of my YT books will continue. I’ll never be able to complete them and I’m very sorry about that. I don’t know if I’ll delete them or not yet but I might leave them up as they are still enjoyed to this day.
          I’m not sure if I’ll continue to post here but if I do it will be fandom ships rather than real people as that’s just so wrong to me now. Either way, if I do post again I hope you’ll enjoy the new content I’ll put out. Thank you for sticking with me all this time and enjoying my stories. See you guys later!


Update: I have decided to unpublish everything. If I'm being honest with myself I always wanted to do that but felt too bad to be able to at the time. However, I just don't want my old stories to reflect my profile/who I am now. So they're gone. If there's anything you want back I can see what I can do. One day I will most likely post fictional ships but we will see. Until then, peace.


Hey guys! Small update here, I think I’m managing to get some motivation back, but let’s not jinx it as, knowing me, it’ll disappear just like that. However, while it’s here, I’m going to try and use it for what it’s worth. 
          I’ll do that by trying to get some oneshots out as my motivation for Branded is still dead. I’ll also try and continue that Phan story I mentioned oh so long ago. Of course, it’s not published yet but I’m working on it, and I will try and get it out to you but I have no idea how long that will take.
          So for now I will be publishing oneshots (hopefully) and working on that Phan story. I’m sorry for taking so long to work up the motivation to do this. Thank you ever so much for your patience and I’ll see you all soon! Love you guys! <3


Hey everyone! It’s been a while, hasn’t it? I’m really sorry for my absence but I can’t seem to get the motivation to write anything, I keep going to write oneshots and continue to work on my new story but I just can’t seem to make anything, and I hate it. 
          Long story short I have a huge case of writer’s block and have no idea when it will fade. I’ve been inactive for so, so long and it kills me to leave you all hanging like this but I can’t help it.
          I’m sorry and I hope to write again soon, but I don’t know when that will be. I’ll make sure to come here to reply to comments though so I don’t leave any of you unnoticed. Thank you for your patience as always and hopefully I’ll see you soon!


I’m sorry to hear that, but thanks fam


@EatableDogy I am currently at a loss of motivation as well. Stay strong, fam.


I'm just gonna summarise what I said about this in my random book:
          I've been feeling bad about not having an actual ongoing story for you guys so I thought that when I make enough drafts I could publish a story until my motivation comes back for Branded.
          It wouldn't be NatePat though, it'd be Phan, my first proper Phan book actually. I just don't want to make another NatePat story until Branded is done. 
          It would also be a texting story which is also something I haven't done but have been wanting to for a while. New experiences all around!
          If you're interested in that idea please let me know! Thanks for your patience!


I'm glad you like the idea! Can't wait to get it out for you!


I’ll let you know,
            That it’s a good idea to get you out of the writer’s block for Branded.
            Looking forward to it dude!


Ever get that feeling when you want to be cheered up and have a shoulder to cry on but at the same time you don't want that because you don't want to feel like you're showing weakness and that you can't handle what's been going on and that you're not strong enough to handle it on your own?


@EatableDogy Its fine, They're good friends but they are just too innocent for this cruel world xD


@ItsSugarCream Aw I'm sorry, that really sucks, they might not be true friends if they don't care for your problems 


Guys I think I have a problem. I've been listening to Nate's new original song Phantom on loop for two days now. It's just sooo amazing.
          I might make a story out of it.


I know right?!


@EatableDogy I hardcore relate to this. That song haunts me because it's so heccin good! 


this message may be offensive
Why is this fucking world so cruel anyway? The government is shit and the human race in general is just power thirsty and greedy. Makes me sick.
          But of course there are good people too, like all of you guys.
          God life has just taken a turn for the worse for me and my family, I'm so worried..


Thank you so much, I really appreciate these comments
            I just hope things get better 


Honestly, you and many others don't deserve this, but I wish the best of luck for you guys 