
@emoryskwara  You're very welcome! I enjoy them very much. Have a great day! 
          	Xoxo Eattie


Working on Alpha's Rain right now, and then provided I get the time I'll write the next chapter of Jungleson, as well. Thanks for hanging in there, guys. 


@Eathelynn hi...ur story is awesome...but the title is not so......and wat if u change it??? for good make it more appealing??wat do u think????


Just uploaded a chapter to the largely neglected Jungleson! And I'm almost finished typing up a chapter for... wait for it... THE ALPHA'S RAIN!!! Yayyy :D I'm sorry there's such a wait in between these. But I AM a college student, so getting the time to work on any of these is really hard.


Hi there. I was wondering if you could check out my new werewolf book the ice princess and give me some feedback because I don't know whether or not to continue with the story. Thank you1


Sorry this took so long to reply! I'm so busy with school I rarely check for messages or comments... or even uploading really... But I'll definitely check it out when I have some time! It really seems like a cool story already. 
            P.S. it's never a bad habit to correct mistakes!


Omg so sorry, Thank you! There we go I have a bad habit of needing to change my mistakes if I see them.


It was meant to be Tank you! < exclamation mark not a one...


Hello, my dear followers.
          I write to you apologetically. I'm almost finished with Chapter Sixteen of Alpha's Rain. I would've had it up sooner if not for finals at school and a few things happening at home. I'm trying my hardest to keep writing - especially since I know exactly what I want to type down - but I'm currently fighting a few demons; emotional and realistic. If I don't get the chapter up today I will try again tomorrow. I realize it has been a month since I put chapter fifteen up, and you had to wait almost three for that! But my family (I have two younger sisters that are seven and a younger brother who is thirteen, my mother, and a cat I hold very dear to my heart) and I are on the brink of homelessness and I struggle daily with the urge to just give up entirely. You all have taken my absence very well and it makes the guilt weigh heavily in my chest since I have left you all hanging. Please, just hold on a little longer. 
            I think of you all daily - hourly, sometimes - and hope to give you the rest of the story soon!
          Until then,


Another set-back on Alpha's Rain - I'm moving in to my Freshman dorm at APSU on Thursday, August 22, 2013. I won't have my computer until past the first of September. I know this isn't a desired occurrence, but I can't help it. I have to leave the laptop I use at home for my mom. I'll try to keep writing on paper and transfer it when I come home the first weekend in September. Again, I'm very sorry. But all of my classes take precedence over Wattpad- As much as that pains me to admit. You don't get anywhere as a Biology major with a concentration in Zoology, a minor in Agriculture, and a minor in Creative Writing without putting forth the effort!! I'll be posting asap!


Apple is really grinding my gears! UGH! There's a reason my security questions are the ones they are! SO I CAN ANSWER THEM! But nooo, you have to tell me my answers are wrong? Seriously. Seriously?? Ugh. And I just put $15 on my account!!! UGHIDSJUKHGASGHK 
          Rant, fin.