Hello, my dear followers.
I write to you apologetically. I'm almost finished with Chapter Sixteen of Alpha's Rain. I would've had it up sooner if not for finals at school and a few things happening at home. I'm trying my hardest to keep writing - especially since I know exactly what I want to type down - but I'm currently fighting a few demons; emotional and realistic. If I don't get the chapter up today I will try again tomorrow. I realize it has been a month since I put chapter fifteen up, and you had to wait almost three for that! But my family (I have two younger sisters that are seven and a younger brother who is thirteen, my mother, and a cat I hold very dear to my heart) and I are on the brink of homelessness and I struggle daily with the urge to just give up entirely. You all have taken my absence very well and it makes the guilt weigh heavily in my chest since I have left you all hanging. Please, just hold on a little longer.
I think of you all daily - hourly, sometimes - and hope to give you the rest of the story soon!
Until then,