
ok so this is the writen accent tag, ok....
          apricot: ay-pree-cot.
          route: root.
          tree: tr-ie.
          bark: bar-ck.
          sister: sis-ter.
          cousin: cuz-an.
          alabama: al-ay-ba-ma.
          pecan: pee-can.
          america: am-eri-ca.
          England: in-gla-nd.
          new orleans: new or-lans.
          pool: poowel.
          school: sckoo-wel.
          daisy: day-sea.
          pink: pin-ck.
          silver: sil-ver.
          gold: gow-ld.
          dog: da-wg.
          cat: ca-yt.
          fish: fi-sch.
          song: so-ng.
          singing: sing-in'.
          guitar: git-ar.
          amazing: amay-zin'.
          world: wer-rld.
          want to: wan-na.
          hair: hay-err.
          cinema: cin-em-a.
          chair: cheer.
          you: ya/you.
          eyes: iye.
          mum: mum/mom/mommy/mummy.
          1) what do you put your shopping in at a supermarket: um.... a trolly.
          2) what do you say to address a group of people: hey y'all.
          3) where do some people buy their lunch at school: um, a cafateria (I havent a clue how to spell it....
          4) is it ull-oo-min-um or all-im-in-yoo-um: its all-im0in-yoo-um.
          5) do you say cinema, movies or pictures: cinema.
          now you do it.... PASS IT ON.