
Well, wouldn't you know, she's alive!
          	And along with her pop up arrival, a chapter has followed in her wake, enjoy ;)


I haven’t gotten far into Magical Entertainment yet but I can already tell it’s going to be so good!! Can’t tell you how happy I am to stumble upon your book and be able to read it <3 also I love the way you capture Loki. In the other Loki fan fictions I’ve read they haven’t captured Loki in a way a reader would want, yknow? But just wanted to let you know I love your writing!! 


hi are you alright? 
          just noticed you haven’t posted in a couple of weeks
          love your story!!


@Sincerepandas111 Hi! Thank you for checking in! I am happy to report that I have yet to suffer a fanfic author's fate. Writer's block just hit me like a brick in early Dec and I have yet to recover. Hopefully it will release me soon and we can go back to our regularly scheduled program. 
            So happy that you enjoy the work!


          Just wanted to let you know that the sequel to Magical Entertainment, Enchanting Escapades, is being updated every Wednesday at 00:00 (CET)
          Go check it out. I hope you'll enjoy this one as much as the last.
          Yours truly
          ~Ebba Chase


Hi everyone! 
          I have spent a few weeks now going through Magical Entertainment, updating spelling and grammatical errors,  bettering the storyline, and traumatizing the characters a bit more. You know the drill. And now I shall be posting all the updated versions. Sorry in advance for bombing your notification feeds :)
          Yours truly
          ~Ebba Chase


Hello lovely. I enjoyed reading about Reyna and Loki. Do you know when you’ll be making the next part of their story? Eagerly awaiting for the next book. 


@ ArianaWilliams533  Hellu there! Thank you so much. This really made my day!
            *wipes tear* 
            I'm so happy you enjoyed my work! As of now, I am in the process of editing Magical Entertainment to improve grammar and plotholes and whatnot (It's been some time after all), to improve the reading experience. So, right now, there's not a plan as to when I'll begin the next part. It might be next week or next year. With the ADHD you never know! But I'll make sure to keep you updated on the progress!
            Thank you for your time!
            Yours truly!
            ~Ebba Chase 


Hello there!
          Contrary to popular belief, I am not dead! Hurray!
          As you all might have noticed, I have not posted almost anything for the past few months. If anyone was worrying about me abandoning Magical Entertainment: Do not fear. I won't abandon anything I write. Truth to be told, I have simply been stuck in a horrible writer's block for some time with no real inspiration or vision of the next chapter for either of my now two works. I hope it will pass soon because I miss writing, and I hate to keep you all waiting for new chapters. 
          Thank you for being patient with me ❤️
          Yours truly~
          Ebba Chase


Hey babe it’s been a while you good?!?!


@ MrsReadYoBooks  thank you I will


No problem  have a nice trip babe


@ MrsReadYoBooks  yeah yeah. All good here. I'm going away on a three week trip this Sunday do I've prioritized packing. I also want to clarify that a consistent uploading schedule is not something you can expect from this page. I'm trying to upload once a week but it doesn't always work. Thank you for your patience


Hello there! 
          I just wanted to remind you all that comments and feedback is amazing to get as a writer. Any thoughts or opinions you have on a chapter or even just a single sentence I would love to see. So just write away! If you want to see updates about the book a little earlier or perhaps help out with side characters or chapters, please add the Snapchat I have linked in my bio!
          Hope you enjoy reading the book as much I do writing it!
          Yours truly
          ~Ebba Chase