
Completely unrelated to anything story/writing related BUT... 
          	The Summoning-Sleep Token. I just discovered this song and it's tickling a happy place in my brain.


@Ebrowning_writes AHAHAHAHAHAHA IM SO GLAD XD my only complaint is that the song is too short lol
          	  I LOVE THE FIRST SONG!! ill listen to the other one later haha


@Ebrowning_writes And now I match your awesomeness: Temptation by Imminence or Mortal by Daedric  ^_^


@a_weird_MCU_fan WHAT IS THIS ABSOLUTE AMAZINGNESS?!?! I'm literally over here cooking dinner doing a little happy dance right now and that is all on you, just so you know XD


Completely unrelated to anything story/writing related BUT... 
          The Summoning-Sleep Token. I just discovered this song and it's tickling a happy place in my brain.


@Ebrowning_writes AHAHAHAHAHAHA IM SO GLAD XD my only complaint is that the song is too short lol
            I LOVE THE FIRST SONG!! ill listen to the other one later haha


@Ebrowning_writes And now I match your awesomeness: Temptation by Imminence or Mortal by Daedric  ^_^


@a_weird_MCU_fan WHAT IS THIS ABSOLUTE AMAZINGNESS?!?! I'm literally over here cooking dinner doing a little happy dance right now and that is all on you, just so you know XD


          So I gave myself a writing exercise simply because I have had no desire to write for months whatsoever. The idea behind this being that maybe if I force my brain to make words, more words will come. Right? 
          Well, this exercise is in the form of a Harmony (Harry/Hermione) fic that is totally, 1000% completely wish-fulfillment. 
          I had my neighbor read the little bit I've got written--little being a prologue and half of a 1st chapter--and when she got done reading it, she was rioting and telling me that she wanted to hit me upside my head with her shoe, quoting "YOU'RE JUST OUT HERE RUINING LIVES FOR NO REASON!" 
          ..... Best. Review. Ever.


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Hello, everyone. Ladies, gents, other individuals of whose pronouns I'm not aware of... 
          I'm more or less treating this as something of a diary entry, and you all can feel free to do that as well. As I do not keep a diary, getting this off my chest in this way is about the best I can do. 
          I know I haven't written or updated or done... well... anything in quite a long time. While there is no excuse for that, I feel the need to explain myself anyway. I don't know if anyone is going to read this, or care for that matter, but this one little post is more for me than anything. 
          I've been struggling. Hard. I seem to have lost the motivation to write or keep up with the basic mechanics of day-to-day life, and ended up getting lost for months in reading which is more of escapism from real life than anything. 
          But just a minute ago, something clicked, and GODS I hope it sticks for longer than the amount of time it takes to read this post, because I seem to have a problem following through with decisions that I make these days. 
          But I had a "squirrel" and did a Google search on my old pen name only to find that apparently somebody out there recommended Blood and Ink, an old fanfic I wrote, under a reddit post where the OP requested their "favorite lesser-known fics" and that threw me for a loop. I nearly cried over it. Even more so because I took all my fanfictions down and deleted them. They're still in the recycle bin, I think, but I digress. 
          I had no idea I was making an impact on anybody or that anybody really gave a shit about the little drabbles typed out on my laptop. It then occurred to me that perhaps the silence isn't quite as damning as I thought. And that's encouraging. It really is. It might possibly be a sign that this author should step back into her roots, which is writing for the fun of it instead of focusing on building up a name. Gods, writing hasn't been truly FUN in ages. And that should have said something.


@a_weird_MCU_fan On that same note… thank you. Thank you for reading this and caring enough and being brave enough to respond and share. That means a helluva lot. 


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@a_weird_MCU_fan If you need anyone to talk to, I swear you can talk to me. I’m more than happy to be a sounding board/someone you can vent to. I know exactly how you feel—I got goosebumps reading your response bc I’ve never heard my exact thoughts/feelings put so exactly into words. Knowing you’re just existing too… I’m so sorry. Nobody should know how that feels. 
            But I promise you  that you’re not a burden. Sure, shit like this is exactly what nobody really wants to hear bc it sounds like the same pacifying sh!t that everyone says, but it’s true. To the people who genuinely care about you, you’re not a burden. 
            So I’ll leave this here—if at any point in time you want to unload and vent and you don’t feel you can tell anyone else, either of my inboxes are always open. Whether it’s here or IG. I’m here for you 


Hi! I’ve start a new book! Just take a look on it, and please give me feedback? I actually really want to grow this book to be very well written. 


@TakeFlight08 Of course! I'd be glad to take a look!


So, while I'm plotting out the next several chapters, I'm also putting together some goodies for a future printed version of TRB. =) I'm talking bringing the maps over, bonus chapters, a glossary of the footnotes I've left here for you guys in the A/N's, and extra goodies in between the chapters that I'm sure y'all will love. 
          I'm so stoked I want a copy for myself. Will anyone else want one or is it just me?


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I'm seriously considering officially publishing "The Reaper's Bride" when it's completed. I mean, I want a hard copy for myself (obviously), but my question is... 
          Would any of you want a copy? I'm thinking of including extra content (maybe some extra chapters, shit that possibly wasn't seen from the other's POV, that kinda thing); the maps will be a part of it, glossary of info from here in the back of the book, etc. 
          If not, it's cool. I just want a copy for myself and I wanted to know if anybody else would want one.


@Ebrowning_writes I would love a signed copy!!


So... I have found that I am not a fan of A Court of Thorns and Roses, but I absolutely, shamelessly, binge-read Haunting Adeline and Hunting Adeline in one day. 
          I will forever be astounded by an author who can make me root for a pairing between a woman and her stalker. Especially when their relationship is 1000% all kinds of red flags and twisted. Seriously--it's a work of art.


Aaannnddd Chapter 20's up! Hehehe 
          This one is mostly semi-plotless.. umm... 
          Stuff because I felt like it. I'll just leave it at that . 
          Yeah, just check it out, loves. ^_^ 


@a_weird_MCU_fan I certainly look forward to it! =D


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@Ebrowning_writes ALREADY?? holy shit i havent even started yet ToT
            i will defo read soon