@regrette_le_jour Hmm, short answer: Weed lol
Long answer: I have to allow that there might be a universal consciousness linking everyone and everything. If that is the case, then, in one sense or another, we technically existed long before our current physical lives began, and we'll continue on existing long after these physical bodies are laid to rest, even if we are unable to identify with our past or future versions/expressions (hell, in the future, we could "come back" as an alien creature on some undiscovered planet, or not even as life forms as we know it at all, but rather as "forces" like, who knows, self-aware magnetic fields out in space or something.)
The point is, we could have been anything, and we could go on to become anything, quite literally. If that's the case, then unless there is some unimaginably absurd leap in scientific knowledge, the only ways we might ever discover our past and/or future selves is, I think, via the imagination, and/or (maybe) spirituality.
But since now one knows, it's a fun thought exercise at best :) lol
What do you think?