
Hello everyone! I hope you all are doing well, I hope you've eaten today, drunk plenty of water and gotten enough sleep. I know I've had some trouble with my account recently since I got kicked out:[ It was my fault though because I did make another account [stupid me!] Anyways, I hopefully will be writing tomorrow but I will see how it turns out. Anyways, thats it from me, have a wonderful morning/afternoon/night and I'll hopefully text tomorrow!


Hello everyone! I hope you all are doing well, I hope you've eaten today, drunk plenty of water and gotten enough sleep. I know I've had some trouble with my account recently since I got kicked out:[ It was my fault though because I did make another account [stupid me!] Anyways, I hopefully will be writing tomorrow but I will see how it turns out. Anyways, thats it from me, have a wonderful morning/afternoon/night and I'll hopefully text tomorrow!


I’m so sorry everyone! I’m having trouble accessing this account [EchoRaya] ever since I made G3nderfluidZ3phyr. I will try to solve the problem but I’m not sure how it will go. For now, I hope you all ave drunk water today, ate food and slept well. And I won’t be able to write about Frank on ‘Cacti and Plants’. I hope y’all have a great morning/afternoon/night and I will try to get EchoRaya  back!


Hello everyone! I hope you all are doing well. I hope you’ve remembered to get enough sleep, drink and eat. If u haven’t, drop ur device and go do that right now!!!! Those things are more important than me!!! I hope u like my new  background btw:] I will be posting to Cacti and Plants right after this so I hope u like the first information about them! Anyways, I hope all have a wonderful morning/afternoon/night and I’ll text tomorrow!


Happy new year everyone. I hope you had/have a great time celebrating or if u didn’t even had/have a great day. I hope you all have a wonderful year. I got to celebrate with sitting at the back a park/oval place wishing the I could run for the hills as the fireworks went off. And freaking out when I saw someone I knew but they didn’t recognise me because my hair had changed and I was wearing a mask:] I hope you have eaten, drunk water and slept today. If u haven’t go do that now! I hope everyone can go into the new year with a positive mind [unlike me] and I hope y’all have a wonderful morning/afternoon/night and I’ll text tomorrow!


Hiya! I hope you all are doing well! If your not just remember nothing goes on forever! I hope you’ve eaten, drunk enough and slept enough today! If not, go do that! I hope you all are doing well and staying nice and healthy. I will be posting another chapter to random stories right after this is posted so I hope u enjoy it! I’ll text tomorrow and have a spectacular morning/afternoon/night!


Hello! I hope you all are doing well. Remember to eat, drink and get enough sleep! I’m very sorry but I’m not able to post today because I’m unable to charge my device and it’s Lon a low percentage:[ Hopefully I can tomorrow though. I hope y’all have a wonderful morning/afternoon/night and I’ll cya tomorrow!


Hey everyone:] I hope you all are doing well. Remember to eat if you haven’t today as well as drink and remember to get enough sleep. I may not be posting today, sorry:[ I’m really pretty down in the dumps rn and I’m trying to pack some things in my room away. I’m really sorry though:[ I’ll text tomorrow and hopefully post again soon! Have a wonderful morning/afternoon/night and I’ll write tomorrow!


Hello!:] I’m really sorry I didn’t post anything on any of my stories. I didn’t really have anything in mind to write about. I try write after this post though. Remember t eat enough, drink plenty of water and get enough sleep! But that’s enough from me, have wonderful morning/afternoon/night and I’ll text tomorrow!:]


Hello everyone! I hope y’all had a good Boxing Day, if that meant you did something or not:] I hope you have a good sleep, stayed hydrated throughout the day and ate enough food. I will probably write another thing in random stories later on today and maybe in ur mum so I hope you enough those:] Enough the rest of ur day and cya later!