
*sucks in deep breath*
          	"I LIIIIIIIIIIIVE!!!"
          	Anyhow. Hi again, everyone! I know I haven't really been very active on Wattpad in a few months, other than making adjustments to Tartarus here and there, but I'm back with an UPDATE.
          	Yes, an UPDATE.
          	And it's not just one chapter this time.
          	It's FOUR.
          	*happy Octoling noises*
          	So, here I have four fresh chapters of Tartarus, titled respectively, "Messages in the Deep," "The Meeting," "The Answer Within," and "The Spirit of a Hero."
          	This update's pretty significant to me, since it contains the climax of Agent 8's side of Book 1 of this trilogy. I won't give any spoilers! But you can expect wholesomeness, some intensity, and maybe even some laughs here and there!
          	I hope y'all enjoy it, and happy Wattpadding! :D
          	~ Echo


@Echoes_of_Polaris Oh, Squiiiiiit! Welcome back my fellow inkfish!    


*sucks in deep breath*
          "I LIIIIIIIIIIIVE!!!"
          Anyhow. Hi again, everyone! I know I haven't really been very active on Wattpad in a few months, other than making adjustments to Tartarus here and there, but I'm back with an UPDATE.
          Yes, an UPDATE.
          And it's not just one chapter this time.
          It's FOUR.
          *happy Octoling noises*
          So, here I have four fresh chapters of Tartarus, titled respectively, "Messages in the Deep," "The Meeting," "The Answer Within," and "The Spirit of a Hero."
          This update's pretty significant to me, since it contains the climax of Agent 8's side of Book 1 of this trilogy. I won't give any spoilers! But you can expect wholesomeness, some intensity, and maybe even some laughs here and there!
          I hope y'all enjoy it, and happy Wattpadding! :D
          ~ Echo


@Echoes_of_Polaris Oh, Squiiiiiit! Welcome back my fellow inkfish!    


Hello, hello, hello!!! Happy Tears of the Kingdom launch day, everyone, and also, happy Tartarus update day!
          Here I have Chapter 5 of Part 3, titled "Questions and Answers"!
          A calmer chapter, this one follows Agent 8 as he talks to the denizens of the deep in search of answers about his terrifying meeting with the Commander. His courageous spirit continues to grow in spite of the darkness around him, bringing him closer to the answers he seeks, but will the reveal of those mysteries be for the better or worse of his journey?
          I hope you enjoy it, and happy Wattpadding! :)
          ~ Echo


Hiya! It's been a while, but it's me again! Here I have another Octo update, but this time it's also not an Octo update -- it's an update on *Tartarus*, the new title of the book!
          After working on the plot outline and expanding on different subplots to improve pacing, I have decided to split the book into a trilogy -- the Octo Trilogy! :D
          Altogether, this trilogy will be a novelization of the franchise of Splatoon, focusing on the Octo Expansion DLC!
          As for the next actual chapter update, that is coming soon! I haven't been able to work on it much lately due to school, but now that the spring semester is over, I plan on releasing at least one new chapter before I depart for my summer study abroad program. I miss my boyo and bad*ss warrior girl, and I can't wait to continue sharing them with you all!
          Happy Wattpadding! ~
          -- Echo


Hello there, and happy 2nd day of the year!!
          Another Octo update for you, but this time, it's not a chapter. It's a new cover I put together last night, using a piece of official concept art from the game that the story is inspired by (credits to Nintendo can be found within the new story part dedicated to the cover of the book).
          If you're a fan of the book, then go check it out, please!
          Echo out!


Merry Christmas, everyone!!!
          I hope all is going well for you guys, and that the weather fares well on any trips you might be taking!
          Or, if you're aiming for an adventure, I hope things stay interesting!
          I think that'll be all for now. Happy holidays, Merry Squidmas, and all that jazz :)
          ~ Elaina


          *trumpet fanfare*
          *dramatic crescendo, then silence*
          In honor of the holidays, I have decided to release a HOLIDAY UPDATE! Basically, I've been working on 17k words of content to publish ever since finals week for the autumn semester ended. Since it's been a while (due to school and life), I wanted to give you guys a treat, SO........ A DOUBLE UPDATE OF OCTO FOR YOU!!!
          Including one average chapter for me (5.9k words) plus a longer chapter (11.1k words), these two chapters, respectively titled "Hope Is Key" and "Something Familiar," build off of the ideas from the debuting two chapters of Part 3, and flow into the upcoming chapters. We get to see Agent 8 digesting a bit more of the freaky stuff he experienced in the last chapter, as well as his next memory, which was SO much fun to write, albeit tricky.
          I'm super excited for the upcoming chapters. I won't say much about them, but there are some VERY significant developments with the plot and some secrets to reveal. I WILL say that the last chapter planned for the story arc is titled "A Name," so *hint hint nudge nudge*. A certain nameless boyo might be finally about to discover something he's been yearning for since the very start of his adventure.
          I think that'll be all to announce for now, so until later, HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE!!! I hope all goes well and that the weather isn't too rough. Happy Wattpadding!!! :DDD
          ~ Elaina


Alright, squidkids and octokids and other denizens of the sea! I have come with a new Octo update, and a double one at that!
          I decided to split the chapter into two when I noticed it going over 14k in word count, and since the first part is relatively calm and slow-paced, I opted to publish both chapters at once.
          This marks the beginning of Part 3, "Déjà vu," an Agent 8-centered story arc and one that I'm particularly fond of. Agent 8's becoming more and more aware of his situation as he goes along with his journey, and he's starting to realize that he's in more danger than he'd previously thought. Lots of fun stuff :D
          I also look forward to introducing a certain side character in Agent 8's memories for this arc, as well as finally getting to reveal a crucial part of 8's identity in the end. We've already started on some fun development with the plot, and it's definitely going to be interesting to see how both 8 and Delta's sides of the story interact with each other and cross over as we move forward.
          My boi is already growing and I'm so excited AAAAAAAAAAAH---
          Anyhow, the next chapter will pick up where this update left off with Agent 8 digesting what the heck he just experienced, and we'll get to see another of his memories :D
          Also, I think two side characters make their debut in the coming chapter. One is a certain philosophical wanderer players of the game will recognize :D
          I think that'll be all for this announcement! Happy Wattpadding! :)
          ~ Elaina


Hey, there! :)
          It's-a-me with a minor update! Not the book-kind, unfortunately (although there *is* one on the way), but rather I'd just like to announce that I'm changing my online pseudonym to Echo la Fée, Echo for short. You can still call me Elaina, of course, but you'll also see me going by Echo now. I also felt it was time to redo my description, so that's been completely rewritten.
          As for my next book update, that will be the next chapter of Octo, starting Part 3 and returning to wholesome bean Agent 8's POV. I'll be honest: this update's taking me a while, and I don't really know when I'll finally be able to release it. Maybe in a couple of weeks? Please understand that I'm a full-time student, and my studies come first.
          I so can't wait to show y'all everything I've been working on for that update, from the wholesome fluff to character growth to another glimpse at the villain of the story. Even Agent 8 has to wonder who exactly he's dealing with while he continues his quest to return home. Plus, Agent 8 starting to remember his past experience with Delta? It's angsty but I'm here for it. I'm here for any time our warrior queen gets mentioned, really---
          Alright, that's all! Happy Wattpadding! ~
          ~ Elaina/Echo