
Hey guys- 
          	Sorry it’s been months since I’ve been on here and I’ve made the decision that I’m not gonna write on here anymore. I’m working on my career and I’m currently writing my own book called Love Piercings, with original characters. I just didn’t enjoy having the guidelines of how I could write a character because they weren’t mine. Thank you to everyone who has/is read/reading my stories. But sadly, they are all discontinued. Maybe in a few years when I do finish my book, I’ll upload it to here. But that’s a long time coming. Again, thank you for reading my stories, all of you have been extremely kind to me and my writing style. And I appreciate that. I’m sorry to be leaving. Thanks and goodbye.


Hey guys- 
          Sorry it’s been months since I’ve been on here and I’ve made the decision that I’m not gonna write on here anymore. I’m working on my career and I’m currently writing my own book called Love Piercings, with original characters. I just didn’t enjoy having the guidelines of how I could write a character because they weren’t mine. Thank you to everyone who has/is read/reading my stories. But sadly, they are all discontinued. Maybe in a few years when I do finish my book, I’ll upload it to here. But that’s a long time coming. Again, thank you for reading my stories, all of you have been extremely kind to me and my writing style. And I appreciate that. I’m sorry to be leaving. Thanks and goodbye.


If you were killed, I won’t be at your funeral.. because I would be in jail for killing the person who killed you. We are true friends because we ride together/die together. 
          Send this to everyone you care about including me if you care. See how many times you get this! I want you to know that you are amazing and you are my friend until my death and forever. If I don’t get this back, I understand. But I have a game for you, once you read this letter, you must send it to 15 people, including the person who sent it to you (me ^⍵^) 
          If you receive 3 back, you are loved.


So I plan on having a New Years chapter for Lovable Death out soon, it’s just adding more to my plans for my books then I had originally so it’s more than I expected but it’s also helping me get my feelings out. I write songs but thanks to @burnt_no0dle I’m trying this as well to get my feelings out.


Oof autocorrect and me being dumb 


Sorry I haven’t updated in a while. I’m gonna make a REALLY short chapter for Love Through Death and My Player Two just to get them back on the road! But don’t worry I’m not gonna discontinue anything anytime soon! I just have Homework on Winter Break rip


Guys! @PorcelainSky is struggling a bit with food expenses! Give them a hand, and donate to there page to help them pay for food!


No problem! Glad to help! <3


<3 thank you!