I know I don’t usual post here, but I just wanted to say something.
Technoblade was an amazing person. I didn’t know him as well as some, but I knew that he was a wonderful person. Even in the last months of his life, he never stopped trying to make us smile. He cared about his audience. So. Much. He was an inspiration to me. Technoblade was my favorite YouTuber, and now he’s gone. But Technoblade never dies, he’ll live on in our hearts and minds and stories that we tell. We can’t let his legacy disappear. Because overtime, everything will fade. Let’s make sure that Technoblade doesn’t fade anytime soon.
I have so many words tumbling through my head, I can’t believe he’s gone. I wanted to write and rewrite this paragraph about 20 times, but I knew that I had to just post it.
Here’s the link to his final video.