A/N: ATTENTION! I have done something I have never done in all my years of writing fanfiction. I have added a new chapter in the MIDDLE of the story. Well, technically not the middle, but between chapters #30 “Hazy” and #32 “Twist of Fate”. I’ve done this for a few reasons: 1) While working on the remaining chapters, I realized I may have made a mistake. So, this is my attempt at fixing it. 2) While plotting this story, it hadn’t crossed my mind to actually SHOW you what I’m about to show you. (I was just going to casually mention it). But I felt this would be better than TELLING. And 3) I know this is a tense story. I KNOW this. So I figured this could give you all a break from all that tension. Hopefully.
I didn't want to add this chapter. In fact, I’m a little nervous to add it because it means I have to revise sequential chapters so it flows with the plot (and because it MIGHT feel detached or out of place with the story if not done correctly). As I’ve said, I’m not in the habit of going back to make changes, let alone add to my stories because I don’t work on fanfictions the way some work on novels. For a novel, authors get several eyes on their manuscript before they even CONSIDER publishing it. For fanfics, I just plot the overall story, publish it, and then write as I go without looking back. Because not having to think about rules or revisions is freeing and fun :) So, chapter #31 awaits. Enjoy.