
@AndrewMonk Haha thanks. I'm sorta obsessed with dragons (hence the name). I'm always looking for feedback on my stories so if you would that'd be awesome:).
          	Thanks a bunch!


@TylerBlackburn The update was going well (keyword "was" in that sentence). I have the first couple of chapters through their second draft, and they're looking to be in good shape. However, as I began my edits for the second part of Gryphon, I realized that the first part is still lacking in some areas. I feel that Part One wasn't bad by any means, and I believed it to be enjoyable and easy to follow, but it wasn't the best it could possibly be. There was still so much room to expand upon Sara's character and so much room to establish a faster-paced beginning. One thing led to another and most of the first part is going to end up being scrapped or altered in one way or another. For example, I'm changing the prologue to the first chapter and changing the perspective of it from Thomas' to Sara's and Iyzabelle's. There's much I need to do with the first part to get it to the point that I find it satisfactory.
          So the edit of Part Two is paused at the moment, sadly. I'm not sure when it will be done or when it will be posted, but I apologize that it isn't coming quicker. I just can't leave something unfinished and not as close to perfection as possible.


Hi there! Firstly, thanks for entering the competition. hope you'll enjoy it! secondly, thanks so much for the follow! means a lot to me :3 i hope that you read some of my short stories on Stitches. i am also starting a new full-length novel, Lifeboat, if you wanna check it out! thanks a ton again and i hope you will leave your thoughts/ comments on there.
          have a beautiful day!