
I can’t believe I have to say this XD
          	Yes, I am indeed alive. I am busy with life and will be off the website for a few months to focus on getting on my feet. I have not forgotten any of my stories, I have not forgotten you lovely people, I will update when I get back.
          	Don’t worry, I’m good. I just need to get my life together.


@Eclipsemetastar take all the time you need What's the point of doing other stuff when you yourself aren't good You know what I mean Hope to see you soon


@Eclipsemetastar that's at least good news for us 


Did you die author? No pressure but I miss when I could see new updates for the star wars reacts story. If you don't wanna work on it that's fine but it'd be nice to know whether or not it's still being worked on. Have a good one!


Hey I’m sure you’re alright! Just super busy but I CANNOT wait for your new chapter of Star Wars reacts! Hopefully it’ll come soon and if not then that’s okay, an update would be nice as well! (If possible anyway if not don’t worry about it!)


Can wait for the next chapter of star wars reacts to earth like can they react to scp like vima could be like I had to sneak this to show you and shows them superstitious foundation by cg5 and vimas like this was written by a former scp operative and the animations were done by him as well and vimas can also explain what the scp foundation is


I hope your alright.


Although I can't help but get worried.


Oh and in the meantime, can you include scp videos? Like nine-tailed-fox, scp 106 and scp 096. You choose. Cause either way, it would be spectacular.


Don't push yourself man, we are all waiting patiently.