Hello there. I am NEW here. I will be writing on here for the time being. I have a very creative mindset when it comes to creating stories! Mine are normally based on fairy tales, anime, mythical creatures, romance... Basically in the genre of adventure - I love adventure! I think this gives me a great opportunity to start writing stories for ya'll! Anyways... I hope you enjoy my stories!

Update: Just being the happiest I can be!

2022 Update: First of all, happy new year! 2021 was a struggle me personally, but throughout those tough times, I've managed to somewhat see the light of the situation. I like to contemplate on how this year will treat all us, instead of reminiscing on the past all the time. It makes me nothing short of miserable. Nevertheless, I have faith that this year may shine brighter than last year and bring good fortune! But only time will tell... I hope you all have a great 2022! :D
  • JoinedMarch 26, 2020
