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@luidicrous Wow, it's like fucking eren yeager who died in the end of the series. But yeah, we will have to wait a while till the main story really ends. But if you're planning to make a sequel then you can send V1 straight to Hell, but instead replaced the demons as the ethereals and the robots as the child soldiers. Gabe, Minos, Sisyphus and the 3rd Prime would stay the same except for clothes I guess.
Or like you said, getting inside a limbo with the first Voidhunters, chat with them a bit. Their final saying was "None were left to speak your eulogy. No final words. No concluding statement. No point... PERFECT CLOSURE.". The reason why I chose that text since V1 was made for war in the game. They fought and fought for only one thing, survival. The more blood, the more time they can live in this world. And yet, the more demons they kill, the more empty hell becomes. Until one day, there will be no more lifeforms to get fresh blood from, V1 will stand there in the deepest layer of hell, Treachery. Gabe was no more, Prime Souls were no more, so they have to result to Heaven. Then... what will there be left? God was dead, left everyone and his creations behind. As V1 stood there, finally questioning its existence, was it really their end? And finally, the fuel ran out and V1 was dead, like everything else. Gone, for good. That's my perspective on ULTRAKILL.
Anyways, minus the part where I talked about ULTRAKILL. After the Voidhunters said that, V1 would be stuck in an endless void forever, or he will appear in a green hill like the flat world generation in Minecraft. Because in your ZZZ version, he didn't kill anyone except for the corrupted, so he isn't exactly evil. Plus with his dark past and his brain being lobotomized to be cruel and cold, I doubt he will go to hell.