
does that sound dumb?


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@luidicrous I mean, your writing is good, so the story will be nice. If yours bad then of course the book will be shit


@luidicrous sounds... kinda good? Idk, I have mixed feelings


Since I’ve been having trouble of continuing the story of “a cruel fate” I could start another story in the mean time. a mha ‘future’ story where the son of all for one is killed in the future and reincarnates into the main Mha story.


Buuut all that’s way off topic from what my original question was. Here, I’ll show you a bit I’ve done so far. It’s… not a lot.. and you’ll tell me where you think it should go from there..
           Location - sixth street
          Wise sighed with annoyance, pushing the front door to the video store open.
          He'd been forced to spend the past hour 'negotiating' with Nicole over the price of their latest commission.
          And by negotiate, he meant her begging him for a discount. AGAIN.
          "Hey bro" belle simply said, she was busy unloading and putting up the newest movies they'd  had delivered.
          "Nicole give you trouble again?" She said with a smirk.
          "Yeah.." "it honestly doesn't surprise me anymore" he said with a soft chuckle.
          Eous sat next to belle, using its chubby little arms to hand her tape after tape.
          Wise let a smile cross his lips. 
          "Alright, let me he-"  Before wise could even think of finishing that sentence, a loud crash was heard coming from behind of the store.
          The two instinctively flinched in response, while Eous jumped inside the box full of tapes to hide.
          "What was that?!" Belle said as she quickly stood up.
          "Not sure.." wise had a more serious expression on his face than before.


@luidicrous *sparing, not "not sparing". I'm kinda drunk so forgive me for any mistakes in my messages


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@luidicrous Nah, my first thoughts about him not sparing them was him being a man of his words. He owed them a favor, or in this case his life, if they asked him to do anything then he would. But your ideas are also kinda nice.
            It's also kinda funny to imagine V1 hitting his head too hard on the ground and just fucking fogor almost everything


So honestly I would think he’d just refuse to leave or something around those lines.


here’s an idea! instead of hell, when V1 dies (which he will) he will end up in this sort of ethereal limbo, where all the people who have been corrupted or had some importance in the prevention of the catastrophe end up, aka… the voidhunters! and he’ll eventually meet them there!


@Eclispe_Isha I was thinking of him entering the “limbo” of this worlds version of “Hell” where he will encounter not just the void hunters, but other enemies he defeated in the main story. Eventually in the climax he will meet the “creator” 


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@luidicrous Wow, it's like fucking eren yeager who died in the end of the series. But yeah, we will have to wait a while till the main story really ends. But if you're planning to make a sequel then you can send V1 straight to Hell, but instead replaced the demons as the ethereals and the robots as the child soldiers. Gabe, Minos, Sisyphus and the 3rd Prime would stay the same except for clothes I guess.
            Or like you said, getting inside a limbo with the first Voidhunters, chat with them a bit. Their final saying was "None were left to speak your eulogy. No final words. No concluding statement. No point... PERFECT CLOSURE.". The reason why I chose that text since V1 was made for war in the game. They fought and fought for only one thing, survival. The more blood, the more time they can live in this world. And yet, the more demons they kill, the more empty hell becomes. Until one day, there will be no more lifeforms to get fresh blood from, V1 will stand there in the deepest layer of hell, Treachery. Gabe was no more, Prime Souls were no more, so they have to result to Heaven. Then... what will there be left? God was dead, left everyone and his creations behind. As V1 stood there, finally questioning its existence, was it really their end? And finally, the fuel ran out and V1 was dead, like everything else. Gone, for good. That's my perspective on ULTRAKILL.
            Anyways, minus the part where I talked about ULTRAKILL. After the Voidhunters said that, V1 would be stuck in an endless void forever, or he will appear in a green hill like the flat world generation in Minecraft. Because in your ZZZ version, he didn't kill anyone except for the corrupted, so he isn't exactly evil. Plus with his dark past and his brain being lobotomized to be cruel and cold, I doubt he will go to hell.


crap, right, sorry about that. It’s just whenever I get an idea I really like I have to vent it or I might forget, stupid I know. But uh.. to answer your question no. He will not being dying for quite a while, like, he’s dead after the main story of zzz ends.


Jesus I asked for advice three ago and didn’t even ask the for the advice I needed… anyway, so, I’ve been thinking about the next chapter, I’m about a quarter of the way done with it, and it’s mainly going to be about wise and belle meeting V1 and that leading to him joining them in pantheon, acting as their ‘muscle’ per say. And then there would be a flashback to swordmachines pov after betraying V1. Does that sound like it would work or should they be divided into separate chapters?


Annnnnnd I’m using most of this, awsome idea dude!


@luidicrous Again, I'm so sorry for not replying. I should have warned you first that I reply late to any messages because I'm busy or just get bored of Wattpad. I promised I'll check this account more often


@luidicrous And at the end of the story you can change to V2's POV. Write her actions to your likings and ended with a "I will find you and bring you back" monologue.